March 31 Devotion

With the ministry, I am blessed to be able to sit with veterans and just listen to them talk. Mostly talking amongst themselves and their life experiences. But every now and then, talking with me. When I am sitting there listening to them talk about their personal experiences in the military, I keep seeing a common theme. Whether they were in Vietnam, Afghanistan, or anywhere else, didn’t matter. What they experienced was very real to them. What they experienced has led to dark moments. It has led to PTSD. Anxiety. Suicidal thoughts. And more. I’m sure, that most of the veterans that we serve probably can relate. Especially those that have been in combat. Male and female. 

Hearing the stories is very humbling to me. Hearing them puts a whole new perspective on how I view them personally. My respect for them has always been there. But, my gratitude for them continues to increase. War is not pretty. It is a very dark moment. It is a very dark time. Dark things happen. I would never understand this, because I have never been there. So I don’t pretend like I know what it’s like. None of us that have never been there should think we understand. There is no way we can. The countless battles they were in. The blood shed that they saw. The friends that they lost. 

War can take its toll on people. And I’m not just talking about the deaths. One of the things that my wife has shared with me in the past is this statement: “It takes many battles to win a war.” And she wasn’t talking about wars between nations. The whole point of it was that life can be like a war. How is that? Every day can be a battle. Just as our soldiers fighting war. It takes many battles to win. Our daily lives are like this. We battle Satan every single day. Every single day! He is after us. He wants us. But let’s remember this, Jesus wants us too. Let’s remember that Jesus won the war for us. He declared victory years ago. Let’s battle every single day knowing this. EVERY! SINGLE! DAY! Let’s battle Satan, knowing that with Jesus, we win!

March 30 Devotion

March Madness is in full swing. I love this time of year. Several years ago my son played basketball for a program out of Kansas City. He was blessed to be able to travel to different parts of the country and play against some of the best players in the country. One event that we went to was in Fayetteville, Arkansas. It was being sponsored by Tyson chicken. There were teams from all across the country there. Several Division I college coaches were there as well. It was the beginning of the open period. That’s the time that the NCAA coaches could make contact with the kids.

This tournament had invited a guest speaker to come motivate the kids. His speech took place in the Walton Arena. I’m not gonna mention his name. Because, I’m not a big fan of his. And what he said to the kids really struck a chord with me. Something that really bugged me. As he’s talking, he asked the kids to raise their hands if they were millionaires. Of course none of them did. He asked the people in the crowd to do the same. Of course none of them did. Well…except for the owner of Tyson chicken. Who is actually considerably more wealthy than the speaker. Which was kind of funny. The speaker was trying to point out that he was the only millionaire in the room. Then he went on to talk about how the kids had to go out and “Get theirs” in this world. Basically, telling them to put their interests and desires in front of everything else. Let’s just say that what I thought then, and what I think now, is this: He could not have been more wrong. And I think that is part of the reason why the world is in the state that it is. Putting ourselves above everything else.

We are called to serve others. We are called to put others above ourselves. And that’s in basketball too. It’s a team sport. Therefore, you play for your team. Yes, I understand personal goals. I get that. But to be successful, your team comes first. As believers, everyone else comes first. Just as Jesus did for us. Putting us above himself. To the point that he washed feet. Raising others above himself. And we all know what he did on the cross. We all know that was for us. Or at least we should know that. Believe that. We are called to do the same thing. So today, let’s do that. Let’s put others above ourselves. Let’s make it a priority to serve others instead of ourselves.

March 29 Devotion 

In 2023, Barbara took Anna and other women to Ashes to Beauty (Women’s Encounter). One thing I remember Barbara telling me about the weekend was something that she had written down: “As soon as you open your eyes, you’re in spiritual warfare.” I’m not sure a more true statement has ever been said. This is spot on. As soon as we wake up…THE! BATTLE! BEGINS! It happens every single day. I know I have been in some pretty heavy battles over the years.

Sometimes there are days where Satan really attacks me and Charlie 22 Outdoors. And some days, he tries his very best. Let me give you an example. One day, a few months ago, I heard about someone I know going through some very serious legal issues. No doubt he was going to have a long road ahead of him. Then I got a phone call about a simple misunderstanding with a potential landowner for one of our hunts. Let’s just say we’re probably not going to be able to use that property again. After that, I learned about some really disrespectful and lack of appreciation actions that some of our volunteers experienced. It seemed like the day was surrounded with these attacks. But you want to know something, Satan lost. He truly did. On that same day, I was with two veterans turkey hunting. And the host allowed the other vet and myself to both take turkeys. Such a blessing. They knew about what the day included. And they knew about my frustrations with it. And they told me before I left, to just focus on taking the turkey and being with my wife when I get home. So yes…Satan lost!

You see, there are two sides in this daily battle. Team Jesus. And Team Satan. We know about Team Jesus. We know what he stands for. We know what he does for us. So let’s talk about the other side. Satan is a snake. Sneaking around. Lurking in the shadows. Using opportune moments to attack us. Layoffs, debts, health issues, etc. Using our emotions against us. Anxiety, depression, anger, etc. He doesn’t do anything in the open. It’s all behind the scenes. Because, he knows he will be spotted for who he is. So each morning, let’s be sure to wake up understanding that he is coming after us. Let’s put on our armor to fight him off. But more importantly, let’s wake up knowing that Jesus has us. Let’s use Jesus as our armor! And let’s know and believe that the victory has already been declared. Satan has already lost. Our Lord and Savior took care of that for us years ago. The cross took care of that for us.

March 28 Devotion

This is very unfortunate, but it’s very true. And I am sure that many of us have experienced this. I know that I have. I know that members of my family have. But, we have been betrayed by people that we were close to. People that we loved. People that we trusted. It’s so sad to live in a world where this happens. But it’s reality. On the other side of the coin is this, maybe you were the one who betrayed someone who loves you. It’s an ugly truth. But it happens.

In the Bible, we learn about this as well. Joseph is a great example. His brothers tore off his robe. And they threw him into the pit. Can you imagine? He must have felt vulnerable. That they didn’t want him anymore. He must’ve felt all alone. Sound familiar? Joseph didn’t do anything wrong. His brothers were jealous. They were angry. They lashed out because of their emotions. Their human emotions. I’m not saying it’s correct. Or it’s the right thing to do. I’m just saying that’s what happened. And I’m also saying this, God was there for Joseph.

Just as God was there for Joseph, he is there for us. He will never abandon us. Actually, it’s just the opposite. He will be with us all the way through moments like this. And even better, he will bless us. Something good will happen. Even when we are at our lowest point. Even when we experience pain like we could never imagine. Those are the times that we probably find ourselves closer to God. Because those are times that we seek him more. He doesn’t want us to suffer. But suffering is part of being part of this world. And there’s another good point about going through something like this. We will be stronger for doing so. We can build our faith for doing so. And we can witness to others more for doing so. And that is awesome.

March 27 Devotion

Do you believe in the power of prayer? Or let me ask it this way, do you REALLY believe in the power of prayer? I like to think that I do. I believe that there is serious strength in prayer. Sometimes it’s easy for us to get caught up in praying just to pray. I know I have caught myself doing that. But for the past few years, I have been trying to pray prayers of expectation. Where I expect God to hear me. And one thing that I learned a long time ago…be ready for the answer. And know that God may or may not give you the answer you’re looking for. But when he does answer, you’ll know it.

I love it when I get what I call God winks. This morning was one of those times. As I was reading and writing, I am reminded of something that my pastor posted: “Prayer is the single most powerful tool we have on earth. And yet so many people misunderstand it or ignore it all together…prayer is simply our ability to talk directly to God and to listen to God tell us how to live our lives.” Spot on!

We must remember that God is our Lord and Savior. He is our father in heaven. He wants to hear from us. And a way for him to hear us is when we pray. Now…after we pray, we must learn to try listen to God‘s voice. To hear what he is saying. Or not saying. He will give us the guidance we need. But we must listen. We must look for the answer. If you don’t already, let’s make today the beginning of regular prayer to God. Let’s make today the beginning of believing in the power of prayer. Let’s begin praying prayers of expectation. Expecting him to hear us. Let’s realize that God desires to spend time with us. Let’s let God take control. Let’s put him in charge. And then let’s watch the difference that he makes in our lives.

March 26 Devotion

This past weekend, I was able to attend The Sportsman Banquet held at the Neosho First Baptist Church. We had a booth there. Veterans were running it both nights. Basically, it’s a wild game feed that they host on a Friday and Saturday night each. It’s an amazing time. Full of faith, fellowship, food, and firearms. Anywhere from 400 to 600 people in attendance. This year’s speaker was Jimmy Holbrook. He is with Drury Outdoors. More importantly, he is the pastor at Overland Park Community Church. He did a great job. Talked about four points of hunting and seeking God. The final point he made is about the blood trail when hunting deer. And how Jesus spilt his blood for us. That alone requires us to seek him. Such great advice. 

Two years ago, the guest speaker was TW Norman. For this devotion, I’m going to focus on him. Years ago when I was teaching and coaching in Carthage, I was also the announcer for the football games. When TW was a senior in high school, his team from Stockton came to our school to play. Being that they were a 1A school, I was a little surprised. We were a 5A school. Considerably bigger than Stockton. As soon as he walked on the field though, it was very apparent why we had them there. That was the year he was a USA Today All American. We couldn’t stop him. But he couldn’t stop our entire team. So we won.

But the point of this devotion isn’t about football. It’s about conviction, redemption, and grace. TW talked about how he slipped away while in college and made terrible decisions. How his life did a complete 180. Going in the wrong direction. Much like mine. Our lives also are similar in the aspect of building our faith. We both felt God calling us into his arms. We both felt his love. Conviction was the first step. We both were convicted because of our sins. Redemption followed. We were redeemed by God. And then Grace. We both felt the grace that only comes from God. You can have these things too. God is there. He is waiting. And believe me, God will not stop convicting you until you act. He is not going away. I can promise you that. So you might as well act. And then after you do so, you will be redeemed and then you will feel his grace. And that is awesome.


We announced a few weeks ago that Charlie 22 Outdoors was blessed to be the recipient of a grant to hire an assistant. Today we are thrilled to announce that Candice Albertson has accepted that position. Her official start date is April 1.

For the past 12 years, she has been a part of Erimish, a bracelet company. What began as selling bracelets in a boutique evolved into a successful wholesale business and now retail as well. Her current role with Erimish is General Manager.

Candice’s husband Andy is a veteran of the United States Army. They are active members of Frisco Church. Candice does social media for the church. Andy is a member of the board. They have five children between them. Six grandchildren.

Join us in welcoming Candice. She is going be a blessing for Charlie 22 Outdoors. She will help the ministry continue to thrive and expand with her in this new role.

Please share with your contacts.

We love you all and we thank you for your support.

March 25 Devotion

Sometimes people question me why I like to hunt. They look at it like I am simply going out to kill an animal. It’s hard to explain to them what really takes place. But to me, being in a deer blind is a very healing moment. When I’m by myself, I’m able to connect with our Lord and Savior. Talking with him. Praying to him. Listening to what he’s telling me. That’s what I try to do anyway. And every now and then, I am blessed with the opportunity to take a deer or a turkey. That’s simply the icing on the cake.

Other times, I can do the same thing while I’m driving. Especially on the longer trips when I’m by myself. Hard to beat seat time with God on those trips. Do you have some place that you enjoy going to be alone? Someplace where you can take refuge? Someplace where you can heal? In the Bible, we learn about Jesus going to the Mount of Olives. He would go there to be alone and rest. He would go there for praying. He would go there to be with our Father. Jesus is our perfect example. He would try to be alone and pray. Especially in the mornings. This helped him prepare for the day. Gave him strength. 

Wherever it is you need to go, make it a habit. Make the opportunities happen where you can be alone with God. Praying to him. Talking with him. Listening to him. This is a perfect opportunity for your spirit and your body to be connected with God. The more you do it, the easier it becomes. You will continually strengthen yourself for what is ahead. Whether it be that day, that week, that month, or the year. You will be prepared. Let’s learn from the example that Christ gives us. Let’s help build ourselves up. That way we can serve him better. We can serve others better.

March 24 Devotion

This morning we’re going to build on a writing from before. It’s very fitting for what we have been talking about lately. With the struggles that serveral people that we know have been going through. It also goes hand-in-hand with a part of a movie that Barbara and I watched recently. In essence, people wonder why is it that God allows bad things to happen to good people. People wonder if he is in control, then why is it disasters take place. Tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes, etc. Types of disasters that kill thousands upon thousands of people. 

These are real thoughts people have. They are questions people have for God. And I bet if we’re honest, they are questions many of us have ACTUALLY asked God. Why this? Why that? It’s human nature to want to know why. I remember when the tornado hit Joplin, I was interviewing people who had been in the middle of it. One of them was a manager of a local store. Had people around him die. Another guy I interviewed lost his son. They were together on their way home from his son’s high school graduation. The young man was literally pulled out of the driver’s seat and died. During the interviews, I asked both of these individuals, “Where was God during the storm?” Actually, I asked this of everyone I interviewed. Their answers amazed me.

The store manager told me that it’s not our place to question that. Questioning death is not for us to do. God‘s plan will be revealed. If anything, he said it made him closer to God. One reason was he believed that he needed to seek God more often. Another reason was because, hundreds around him survived. The father’s answer was even more amazing. He told me that God was there and allowed him to hand his son over to him. Read that again! He allowed him to hand his son over to him. Very powerful. I have been asked, “If God is such a loving God, why did he paralyze you? Why hasn’t he healed you? Why does he let you struggle each day being paralyzed?” My answer is simple. He didn’t paralyze me. I did. My lifestyle did that. My decision that night did that. Our loving God kept me alive. And now, he uses me daily in this chair, more than he would have out of it. It’s in these questioning times that we have to stand on what the truth is about God. If we do so, we will be stronger on the other side of the struggles we go through. The tough times we go through. And let’s remember this as well: God loves us. He always has. He always will.

March 23 Devotion

We all have heard the saying: “I wish I could go back 20 years ago, knowing what I know now.” Or you might say 30 years, or 40 years. The years really aren’t important for the saying. It’s the “knowing what I know now” part that makes it interesting. Another interesting question to add to this is: “Would you really want to change anything if you went back?” Think about your life now. How different would it be if you were to make changes years ago? That’s some real food for thought isn’t it.

Let’s go a different direction now. Let’s think about what life would look like if we knew the outcome in the future. If we knew where we’d be, or what we’d be doing. Would our decisions now be different? Would how we view our daily lives be different? I would like to suggest, that yes things probably would be different for us now. Knowing what’s coming ahead. We would definitely make preparations. That would be human nature.

Here is what is awesome about being a believer. We don’t have to know what’s ahead if we know God. God has a plan for us. Our futures are in his hands. We can rest assured knowing the path has been paved. He will see us through. Through both our triumphs and our trials. Being human, and being part of this world, we get to make decisions. Sometimes those decisions have real lasting impacts on our lives. Like the one that I made 30+ years ago that led to me being paralyzed. But, now with God in my life, I know what my future holds. Knowing that Jesus is my Lord and Savior solidifies what is ahead. I know the lasting impact of being a believer. That is eternity. Eternity with him. And that my friends…IS AWESOME!