Event Application

After you submit, scroll back to the top to make sure you received the notice saying it was submitted.

All of our events are all expenses paid for the participants and their families. Applying is easy. Simply fill in all the boxes below. After you submit, scroll back to the top to make sure you received the notice saying it was submitted. If you prefer, you can print off the application to fill out. You can return through standard mail, or scan and email back electronically. Upon your arrival to an event, please be prepared to present your VA Rating Letter and/or DD 214. Applicants selected will also be required to sign a Release of Liability Waiver upon arriving to a hunt.

Example: 1996-2001, 2005-2014
Example: 1991-1992 Kuwait, 2006-2007 Iraq
This is an event to event basis. Some events we can accommodate others. Unfortunately, not all of our events are able of doing so.
Example: Jane Doe, 37, female, spouse
Missouri law requires anyone born in 1967, or after, to have a hunter education number.
Please be prepared to provide us a copy of your VA Rating letter, as well as, your DD 214
I am aware that my email address will be added to the Charlie 22 Outdoors contact list to receive updates. And I am aware that I will receive a daily devotion through email.
Entering your name here authorizes Charlie 22 Outdoors, any and all of its volunteers, members, staff, sponsors, donors, and any others involved in any Charlie 22 Outdoors event, to use your image, name, comments, photographs, or video, for any reasonable use.
Entering your name here acknowledges that you understand that all of Charlie 22 Outdoors events are alcohol and drug free. This includes medical marijuana. Although we understand there may be benefits to some people. Our events do not allow this. You also understand that anyone found consuming alcohol or drugs will be asked to leave the event on their own expense and may not be invited back to any future Charlie 22 Outdoors events.


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Daily Devotional

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January 16 Devotion

Retired Army Chaplain Foster is one of our board members. We met several years ago and have maintained contact ever since. He and his wife

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January 15 Devotion

What is it you’re holding onto that causes anxiety? What is it that you’re getting ready to face that’s causing anxiety? Bills to pay? Medical

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