Keeping in line with our mission, we are thrilled to announce the addition of monthly Bible studies to our calendar.
Ladies F.R.O.G. Bible Study (Fully Rely On God) TBD.
Iron Sharpens Iron Men’s Bible Study will be held the third Thursday of each month. 11 AM to 1 PM. Includes hot lunch. Lead by Robin Sigars. Robin is the Senior Pastor at The Bridge. He is the author of the Charlie 22 Outdoors 22 Day Devotional and a regular speaker at our events. Robin has had the opportunity to travel all over the world to speak to students and adults alike. He uses humor and tears to bring home the message of grace and peace through Jesus Christ.
These will be held at The Clubhouse (Charlie 22 Outdoors Home Office). 115 N. Madison, Webb City, MO 64870.
ZOOM capabilities for those who cannot attend in person!
RSVP by email to
We look forward to watching God work in people’s lives through these studies.