Volunteer Application

Charlie 22 Outdoors realizes that our volunteers are the core to the ministry. Our volunteers serve with us in many different capacities from serving meals, to setting up and tearing down our events, to providing lodging and properties for our use, to guiding the veterans, to providing supplies and equipment, to donating financially, and amongst others, praying over the ministry. Our volunteers are tremendous. Anyone wishing to join us as a volunteer can simply fill out the online application below. Once completed we will contact you to finish the application process.

We believe in God the Father. We believe in Jesus Christ. We believe in the Holy Spirit. We believe that the bible is the inspired word of God. We believe in heaven and hell as taught in the bible. If you do volunteer with Charlie 22 Outdoors, you must adhere to this statement of faith. Your electronic signature says that you agree and will help us minister to others in the unity and spirit of Christ.
Your electronic signature says that agree with and will abide by our Code of Ethics: 1. We are accountable to God. 2. We are accountable to the our supporters. 3. We are to conduct ourselves as Godly men and women. 4. We are to protect and respect everyone. 5. No flirting, foul language, inappropriate gestures or comments, will be tolerated. 5. We are protect all children who are at the events. 6. No alcohol or other mind-altering substances of any nature will be allowed at any of the events. 9. We follow all of the State of Missouri regulations and laws. 10. Safety is ALWAYS our first thought.
Entering your name here acknowledges that you understand that all of Charlie 22 Outdoors events are alcohol and drug free. You also understand that anyone found consuming alcohol or drugs will be asked to leave the event on their own expense and may not be invited back to any future Charlie 22 Outdoors events.
Entering your name here confirms all information in this application is accurate. Entering your name here confirms that you understand that you will be required to sign a waiver/release of liability form before you can volunteer with Charlie 22 Outdoors. Entering your name here authorizes Charlie 22 Outdoors, any and all of its volunteers, members, staff, sponsors, donors, and any others involved in any Charlie 22 Outdoors event, to use your image, name, comments, photographs, or video, for any reasonable use. And you are aware that your email address will be added to a contact list, and you will receive regular messages and devotions.

Daily Devotional

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March 26 Devotion

This past weekend, I was able to attend The Sportsman Banquet held at the Neosho First Baptist Church. We had a booth there. Veterans were

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March 25 Devotion

Sometimes people question me why I like to hunt. They look at it like I am simply going out to kill an animal. It’s hard

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March 24 Devotion

This morning we’re going to build on a writing from before. It’s very fitting for what we have been talking about lately. With the struggles

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March 22 Devotion

Let’s start today off with an activity. A simple activity. Raise your hand this morning if you have never struggled with anything. Raise your hand

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