June 13 Devotion

Today is going to step on toes. Mine included. But, we all need to hear this. So here we go. There are two teams that we can play on in life. There is God‘s team and Satan’s team. And they are at battle. A very real battle. It’s happening all around us, all the time. I don’t think people realize just exactly how much of a battle is taking place. It’s become normal just to watch things happen. It’s become normal to let things just slide. If they don’t affect us, we don’t pay particular attention to them. But the battle is real. And there are people that we know that are not going to heaven because of the way they choose to live in sin denying God exists. They choose the ways of this world. And that is so unfortunate. It’s an ugly truth. But it’s as real as the battle that’s taking place is real. I have said this before. And, I’ll say it again. And, I’m not proud to say this. But…I have played on both teams.

Being blinded by the devil happens. When we see things on the media that approve and say that sin is right, it’s easy to start to agree. And that’s because many believe that if they see it on tv, well then it must be right. And that’s a weapon that the devil uses. Normalizing sin on TV. Normalizing it through people that we trust and that we watch on TV. On Facebook. Or the radio. Or wherever. The devil is real. Very real. And he is very skilled at what he does. He divides us from God. One moment at a time. Maybe one day at a time. But most definitely, one sin at a time. And dividing us from God, can divide us from those that we love. Our wives or our husbands. Our children. Our grandkids. Friends. Whoever. Or whatever. Anything that is important to us, he will attack. In a very sneaky way.

So today remember this, we cannot win this battle on our own. We need God to lead us. Remember that the war has already been won. Victory has been declared. The crucifixion did that for us. The resurrection did that for us. Our faith in God helps us resist Satan. And he knows that. He will run if he sees us glorifying God. Let’s work to be under the grace of God. And not under the influence of Satan. Jesus will heal you. Jesus will provide you hope. Jesus will free you from sin. But you must let him in to do so. And he will do so because he loves us. He loves all of us. He always has. He always will.

June 12 Devotion

Barbara and I really enjoy watching the television show America’s Got Talent. We look forward to it every year. It’s amazing to us watching the talents that many people have been blessed with. They come from all across the world to be on that show. Hoping for that one break. One thing that they like to tell the guests is that the next three minutes can change their lives. And it’s so true. Many people have went from being unknown to mega stars. Well, last night we got to catch the third episode of this year‘s season. And once again, it did not disappoint.

But I want to talk about a performance from last year. It was amazing. The Mzansi Youth Choir performed on the season opener. They came all the way from South Africa to do so. Their talent is indisputable. But, that’s not what caught everyone’s attention. They sang the song “It’s Ok” by Jane “Nightbirde” Marczweski. It was an original that she performed a couple years ago on AGT. She had written it to talk about her story battling cancer. And just as the choir’s talent is indisputable, Jane’s was also. Her performance was pretty incredible. I say that in past tense because she passed away in February 2022. She was 31 years old. When you have time, you should look up both performances. They will be worth you doing do. 

Jane inspired many people with her strength. She had many quotes that people still use today. One that stands out to me is this: “I’m so much more than the bad things that happen to me.” She was spot on with this. She chose to face her challenges and move forward. She had a strength the only God can give. And I know many of you may not believe this, but we all have this strength inside of us. Or at least…we can have that strength inside of us. If we choose to have God in our hearts. We are all going to face bad things. We are all going to have bad things coming to our lives. Disrupt our lives. They are inevitable. But, we can all be so much more than those bad things. And just as the choir sang in Jane’s song, ”It’s ok.” Because, God will make it Ok. He will do so because he loves us. He always has. He always will.

June 11 Devotion

Have you ever had a time when things didn’t go your way? For example, ever not get a job, or a promotion, that you thought you had coming your way? I’ve been there. Ever get a flat tire when traveling hours from home? I have. What about an appliance breaking that you were using? Our dishwasher did that one time in the middle of the wash cycle. Water flooded the kitchen. Then there are the much more serious things that can happen. Illnesses. Natural disasters. Death. The list of frustrations can be really long. None of us are immune to things happening that can disrupt what we are doing. And none of us are immune to discouragement. It’s easy for us to be discouraged. Especially when things don’t go our way. That’s part of being in this world. Facing things like this.

When we face times of despair and discouragement, it’s easy to wonder why. We begin questioning. Where is God? Is God watching? Does God see? Does God care? Will God act? Does God hear my prayers? Some of us may even question if God exists when moments like these come. Once again, I say it’s easy for us to wonder. After all, wouldn’t it be easier if life was easier. Wouldn’t be easier if God made sure times like these didn’t come. Wouldn’t it be! Well yes. Sure it would. But life doesn’t work like that. Life isn’t always fair. In fact, many of us might be constantly facing difficulties. Living a life that never seams easy. 

As much as I know that life is not always fair, I know even more that the answer to every life question can be found in the Bible. And I mean “every” question. There’s no question about it. And the questions I mentioned earlier are addressed in the Bible. We read that God does in fact hear our prayers. We read that God does in fact care. We read that God will act. And know this, these truths are not limited to those we find in the pages of the Good Book. They are for all of us. And that includes you. And that includes your family. Your friends. So today, no matter how bad today looks, or how bad life seems, know that God is at work. His plan is unfolding. No matter how painful. No matter how discouraging. No matter how difficult. His plan is unfolding. He will make it right. Maybe not in our time. Actually, most often it’s not in our time. His timing is perfect though. It’s beautiful and perfect. So hold fast. Stay the course. Keep praying. God has you. He always has. He always will.

June 10 Devotion

The point of yesterday’s devotion was on doing good work. On how the Bible tells us that we combat evil by doing good work. I think God is trying to tell me something, because this morning I wake up and I read the verse Micah 6:8. It really emphasizes what we’re talking about. We are called to serve others. We are called to do good work. that’s how we combat evil. That’s how we beat Satan back. By doing good work. By following God, and learning from God, and serving others through God. 

Now, it’s easy to get caught up in doing “more” as we are trying to do good. But there’s a danger with this. The other day we talked about the danger. Doing more, does not mean we are getting more done. We can simply “just” be doing more and not realize it. We are only getting “more” done if we do not stay focused on God. No matter what we are doing. But if we stay focused on God, we can “only” do good work. 

So today I want to challenge you again, stay focused on God. Let God instruct you. Let God direct you. Let God correct you. Plain and simple, Let God. Do this, and I promise you, you will see fruits of your labor. God will bless your efforts. God will bless those that you serve. God will see to it that what you are doing is good. And we will defeat Satan. Actually, the victory has already been declared. So we’re not defeating Satan, we are holding him down. Pushing him back to where he belongs. Keeping him out of the picture. And that my friends…is glorious and good.

June 9 Devotion

Those of us that live locally, recently heard the terrible news about two young people that lost their lives to gangs in Haiti. Last year there was a story about a man in France that went around a playground and stabbed multiple people. Including some very young children. And it seems like whenever you turn on national news, your are met with terrible stories around the world. Killings. Attacks. War. Even Suicide. What’s happening in the Ukraine. Actions resulting in terrible endings. Seems like evil is all around. We can’t run from it. We can’t hide from it. Evil is here. I believe there is a real battle taking place between good and evil. A battle taking place every day.

Today, Operation Black Rain will conclude. We have veterans and volunteers at the Black Rain headquarters for this event. Veterans came from different places around the country. We were even blessed to fly in a father and son combination from Puerto Rico. Both veterans. We also have a Veteran and volunteer running a booth and Galena Days. Last weekend we had an Operation T’ing Off and the Spring Women’s Retreat at the same time. Well, over 100 veterans and volunteers were on scene. At this point, you might be questioning why I mentioned these. What do these things have to do with evil? What do they have to do with good versus evil? I mention these because, good things take place at each event. Good things are going to come out of each event. Good things because the will of God is good. 

I believe that one way that we conquer evil is by doing good. Doing good is a way that we can counter attack. When evil comes at us, we conquer it by doing good. I know there are times when I get attacked, that I look for opportunities to serve. That’s how I try to defeat Satan. Satan will attack us every time he can. Often times, he attacks when good things are happening. Or are getting ready to happen. Doing what he can to stop the good. We must remember this next point. And…we tell our guests all the time, when they go home and they are on an emotional high, be ready. Satan is coming. When they are on a spiritual high, be ready. Satan is going to attack. So be prepared. Be ready. He’s coming. We also tell them to know this…when he does come, we are here. Our volunteers are here. Charlie 22 Outdoors is here. Ready to do battle against him. So today, look for chances to serve. Chances to do good. And do so, because this is how we defeat evil.

June 8 Devotion

Some days I find myself yawning in the early evening. Days where I am just tired. Even weary sometimes. Days where life just seems to come at me more so than other days. Coming from different directions. I’m sure most of you feel the same way. It’s part of being in this world. Especially, in today’s world. Seems like I find myself going faster, faster, and faster. Going from A to B. People tell me a lot that I am busy. I try to respond the same way each time. I respond by saying, “Productive. We are trying to be productive.“

It’s easy to get busy. To get busy doing the daily routines. It happens to us all. The danger here isn’t being busy. The danger is when being busy distracts us from what is important. We get distracted to the point that we lose sight of God. And it is during these moments of distraction, that Satan will attack. He knows the perfect time. We must remember how sneaky he is. We must remember the snake that he is. Do you ever feel tired and weary? Does it seem like life is coming at you from all different directions? It happens to us all. Think about this for a moment. How often do you find yourself being pulled different directions? How often do you find yourself “busy” at doing things? Be honest. And let’s also be honest with ourselves about this next point. Is it during those times that you find you had let your guard down? That’s when you become vulnerable. Satan will use any opportunity he can to bring us down. When you’re vulnerable, he will attack. Sometimes he is so sneaky that he will provide opportunities for us to be busy. Knowing that’s when vulnerability happens. 

Now I want you all to remember this. God has us. Every one of us. So that means he has you. It’s during those times that we find ourselves caught up in what we are doing, that we need to push pause. Refocus on God. And let him guide us. If we do this, he will get us through the distractions. He will be there for us when we find ourselves vulnerable. We read about this in Isaiah. It’s awesome to know that no matter how weary or tired we become, our God never tires. He never tires for those of us who believe in him. God will provide wisdom. God will provide strength. God will provide  endurance. But…we must believe in him. We must trust him. So today, let’s refocus and turn our eyes on God. Even in the times we find ourselves busy. Especially, in those times.

June 7 Devotion 

This morning, I’m going to use something that my wife wrote five years ago. It was a very tough season for our family. But God got us through. I’m gonna put all of her words in quotes. “Failure is Not Final was one of my daily devotionals earlier this week. The title has really held onto my heart for many reasons. Which made me think of one of my favorite bible stories which is Peter and Judas. They both sat directly beside Jesus and watched him perform all the miracles. But when their time came to stand up for Jesus they both betrayed him. They knew His heart. They knew He did not deserve the betrayal. Yet they put themselves first. I can’t imagine the pain they felt after watching Him being crucified knowing they did nothing to stop it.  They both failed Jesus in his final moments.

This is the crossroads of the story that I love.  When we fail in life, which path are we going to choose? Do we view that failure as final? Judas did and chose to hang himself over his betrayal to Jesus. Peter, who did the same betrayal, chose to be changed by God. Andy Turner said it best years ago. There is only 1 letter different in their outcome when looking at the words HANGED or CHANGED, “C”. And that C stands for Christ. He’s willing to step in and provide grace. We can’t earn it, it’s just there waiting for us.

I love that God shows us in this story, that our Failures don’t have to be Final. They are painful. Full of consequences. Heart breaking. But…never Final if we turn those failures over to God. He can heal and wipe our hearts clean if we just place it all at his feet. Some of us are fortunate to keep hidden our failures behind closed doors. And some get to live them out in front of the world. Facebook can be an amazing blessing or used as a weapon. I challenge each of you. If you know someone who’s failing, reach out to them. God’s grace is given to them the same as you. Choose to be God’s servant in their lives.”

June 6 Devotion 

On this day 80 years ago, thousands of men made the trip across the English Channel getting ready to invade France. It was the largest water-to-land invasion ever. That day is known as D-Day. I have heard people call it Destruction Day. Devastation day. Destroy Day. I may be wrong. But, I’m pretty sure it was simply called D-Day. No matter what it was called, this was the beginning of the end of the Nazi rule in Europe. Some 9000 American troops were lost in this battle. Many of them didn’t even make it out of the water as the German soldiers rained thousands, and thousands, and thousands of rounds at them. Those that did make it to land, found traps and many obstacles in their way. All the while being shot at.

If you will, let’s go back in our minds to what it must’ve been like to have been part of the invading forces. Let’s also think about what it must’ve been like to have been the German forces waiting for the invasion. I cannot imagine. Those first waves of men must’ve been terrified. Actually, I’m sure they all were. Not knowing if this was their last few moments to be on this earth. Wondering if they’re going to see their loved ones ever again. Wondering these things and still moving forward. Still willing to serve. Once again, I cannot imagine what that must’ve been like. Ultimately, the Allied troops were victorious. Within months victory was claimed in Europe. 

That generation of people is known as the Greatest Generation. I’m sure there are several reasons. But one of them is definitely because of their actions during World War II. Their sacrifices. One thing I do not take lightly is the men and women that have served our country. Those that are serving now. Those that will serve in the future. When they sign the line joining the military, they are serving us. Those at D-Day served us. Those coming in the future will be serving us. Not even knowing who I am. Not knowing my family. Not knowing my friends. They serve us all. They sacrifice for us all. Putting others before themselves. Wow! And that’s what we are all called to do. We are called to serve others. To put others before ourselves. And the greatest example for us to follow is Jesus. He put us all on his shoulders and he paid the ultimate price for us. The ultimate sacrifice. So today, let’s find ways to lift others up and serve them. Even if we don’t know them. Let’s serve them.

Operation Risen Ranch 

Well…We have another horse committed for June 29. So instead of 11, now we have 12 coming. Simply amazing.

With that being so, that means we can offer this event to more guests. But, since we don’t have lodging for that many people, we are going to make it a one day event in order to accommodate everyone. 

If you want to join us on Saturday, June 29, send us an email. Deadline is this Sunday, June 8. We will reply with details to those that we can bring in. This is a family friendly event. 

Please share with your contacts.

We love you all and we thank you for your support. 

June 5 Devotion

This is such a unique time to be alive. It really is. There are so many good things to take in. But there are so many bad things as well. Evil and good have been battling for a while now. Lies are being spread all around the world. And what’s crazy is that people are believing the lies. Putting their faith into them. Trusting them. That’s because there’s so many powers to be that are pushing it down our throats. Just think about it. Need an example? We have young people that are identifying as animals. To the point that they are wearing tails. Identifying however they want to be identified. When did that happen? I couldn’t imagine being a parent of a young child during this time. Struggling in this information age where everything is simply in our hands and to be accessed with a push of a button. 

As much as I know that there are lies all around, I also know and fully believe that there is a truth that we can put our hope in. And I’m talking about a truth that is not spelled “TRUTH” as the world sees it. The truth that I am talking about is spelled BIBLE. The answer to every question is in this book. The counter for every lie is in this book. The Bible is our manuscript for our lives. And not just a manuscript, the Bible is our directions. Just as we read directions to assemble certain items, like a TV stand, The Bible has directions for us to assemble our lives around. We tell all of our guests this. We tell them that anything that they are questioning, we can find the solution in the Bible. We may not know where it is at, but we will find it. Or we will find somebody that knows where to find it. Plain and simple.

So if you are struggling with understanding what to believe and not believe, search for the answer in the Bible. And…I’m pretty sure it will tell us something about our identities being in God. So there’s no question. And…I’m pretty sure it will tell us about sins. Too many to list. But we can read about them and how to resist them in the Bible. And something else that’s even more incredible about this manuscript is that it has remained constant. For some 2000 years, it has remained constant. Yes I know there are different editions. And I am fully aware how it can be twisted and turned to fit our lifestyles. But that’s the human in us wanting it to be how we want it to be. That’s the human in us not wanting to hear the truth. Wanting to hear what we want to hear. But I will gladly take what I read in the Bible any day over what I see in the main stream or the social media outlets.