April 17 Devotion

Today is the running of the 127th Boston Marathon. Men and women, ages 18 and up, able-bodied and wheelchair-bound, will take to the course that is 26.2 miles long. Completing the course is an incredible feat. Completing any marathon is an incredible feat in my eyes. What might be more incredible, is the preparation that it takes to run one of these. But, let’s talk about something else that is forever tied to the marathon. 

Barbara and I took Anna on a cruise 10 years ago. While we were on our trip going through the gulf of Mexico, the news broadcasted about two bombs detonating at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. It became obvious that it was a terrorist attack. There were multiple injuries. Including several people losing limbs. And there were three deaths. The youngest was an eight year old boy. His name was Martin Richards. He was there as a spectator with his family. One member lost their leg. Another was blinded in one eye. And his father now has hearing problems. I’m sure they would gladly accept those injuries, if in return, Martin was still alive.

As with many terrible events like this, there seems to be incredible human stories. Martin’s is one example. He was a second grader at the time. At school, his class was doing a study on non-violent protesting. He made a poster during that lesson. You could find a photo of it online pretty easily. The photo went viral after the bombing and his death. It went viral because of what he put on the poster: “No more hurting people. Peace.” Almost like a rally cry after the attack. President Obama made reference to it as well. We talk a lot about the innocence of children. How much wisdom there is in the things that they say. Even though they might not understand the depth of what it is they are saying. His poster is an example. We all want peace. And I think that the only way of finding true peace, is by finding Jesus. His peace is greater than anything we can ever imagine. I’m sure many people found peace in his love after the tragedy in Boston. And we should all realize, it is available for us…if we ask for it.

April 16 Devotion

I know this may not be popular with everyone. But, I think that Top Gun: Maverick might be one of the best movies ever made. There are a lot of reasons for me thinking that. Too many to go into. It’s simply one of the best movies I’ve ever seen. Barbara will tell you, I am always looking for life lessons out of movies. Things that I can learn from. Even though they are for our entertainment, I believe movies can teach us some things if we look for them. There are three lessons in this movie that stuck out to me: Preparation, Protection, and Doing what is right even though it is not popular. And these can also be lessons for our Faith.

Preparation: Jesus prepared a place for us. He is still preparing it. He ascended to heaven and is awaiting us. What are we doing about it on earth? Are we secure in our faith? Do we have salvation awaiting us? We need Jesus in our hearts to receive it. That is first preparing. If you fail to prepare, then prepare to fail. Scary thought when thinking about eternity. Protection: Satan is on the prowl. Sneaking around. Just like the snake that he is. Waiting for that one moment to strike. Using our emotions against us. He has so many tactics. And he’s good at what he does. More importantly though, God is better at what he does. He will protect us from Satan if we let him. Attacks will come. But, protection will come from our Lord and Savior if we turn to him. Doing what is right even though it is not popular: The world tells us that certain things are right. And right now, there’s a lot of evil that is considered right. There’s a lot of “wrong” that is considered right. Following Jesus, is not the most popular thing to do. Actually, some people are being condemned for doing so. But, following Jesus… Is the right thing to do. Plain and simple.

To wrap this up, let’s remember that Jesus is there. He is ever present. He’s not going away. He is waiting for us. How awesome is that! There are no words. God does so many things for us. We can’t list them all. But what we can do is prepare our hearts to be with him. If anything, he deserves us doing that. Especially, when we consider the sacrifice on the cross.

April 15 Devotion

Yesterday, I had to go to the office to meet one of our volunteers (Gary). He was going to set up a booth at a local event. He and his wife have been volunteering with us now for quite a while. Amazing people. We were gathering up items for him. Also gathering items for me to transport to a couple other volunteers. They are setting up a display booth next week in Kansas City. Husband and wife combo. The story about meeting them is pretty incredible. I will save it for another day. While we were there, I received a phone call from another one of our volunteers. She and her husband have been volunteers with us now for five years. She was calling me to tell me a funny story.

While I was at the office, her sister drove by. Her sister has a three-year-old child. The three-year-old saw me sitting on the parking lot talking to Gary. She noticed my wheelchair. She made a comment to her mother that I was sitting in my “magic” chair. I love it. What a great way of looking at things. Magic chair. She understands that the chair helps me get around. Therefore it’s magic. Don’t you love the innocence of a child. The way they view things. Sometimes, I wish I could see things through their lenses.

Something else that I view as magical. Some thing that we should all view as magical. Because of the way it helps us get around. That is the love we get from our Lord and Savior. It’s not magic in the true sense of the word. It’s “magical” because it’s powerful. His love is beyond anything we can ever imagine. We are his children. He is our protector. He is our teacher. I think it’s time that we start looking at him in these ways. We should revere him. We should honor him and look at him through the lens of a child. And see him for all that he is. 

April 14 Devotion

Yesterday, I heard a devotion from one of our veterans/volunteers. He talked about three important points of Jesus’s sacrifice and resurrection: The empty cross proving that Jesus died for us. The empty tomb proving that Jesus rose again. The empty clothes proving that he is definitely alive. Very powerful stuff when you think about it.

He died for us. Dying for our sins. He rose to heaven. He did so to prepare a place for us to be with him. He left the clothes to prove that he indeed is alive. Proving that he fulfilled his mission being human on earth. Something else about that time period 2000 years ago that hits home with me. Jesus knew this is all coming. He knew about the pain that he was going to endure. Something beyond our imaginations. He knew these things, but he still bowed down and washed feet.

I’ll look at these as four amazing examples that we can learn from. Examples that we should follow in serving others. Putting others above ourselves. Placing their lives above ours. Doing what we can to help others see the hope that comes from Jesus. Ultimately, being willing to lay down our life if necessary. Wow! Easier said than done. I’m fully aware of that . But wow, just wow! Where are you in your heart when it comes to serving others? Are you doing it for them? For yourself? Are you laying aside your personal desires? Difficult questions I know. But important questions. Today let’s work on this. Let’s work on truly serving others, by placing them above ourselves. Just as Jesus did for us all.

April 13 Devotion

How many times have you done something, either by accident or on purpose, where you were forgiven? Maybe given a warning? Ever get pulled over for speeding, or another driving offense, and be given a warning? What about as a student? I know that I did a few things while I was in school where I was given a warning. Even as a child at home, my parents warned me at times. I know as a parent, we have warned our children on occasion. And I know that often times, I didn’t deserve a warning. Punishment was very appropriate. 

But, how does this go along with our faith? Forgiveness and warnings? The answer is probably pretty obvious if you think about it. Jesus forgives us of our sins. Without hesitation he does this because he loves us. Even when we do not deserve it. Actually, I don’t think we ever deserve it. We didn’t earn his sacrifice on the cross. Some argue just the opposite. That our sins, along with those from people before and those coming behind us, are what lead to the cross. So you can see we definitely did not earn what he did for us. We never will. And all we have to do to receive forgiveness is to ask for it. To confess our sins and ask for it. 

Let’s move on to warnings. Let’s see how warnings pertain to our faith. Once again, I believe the answer is pretty obvious. We must have faith. We must believe. We must follow the commands. We must do all of these things to inherit the kingdom. The Bible is full of verses telling us this. Very clearly, these are warnings. And let’s not kid ourselves. God is not afraid to punish us. He won’t hesitate if it’s the only way to get our attention. Think about the flood. Think about Sodom and Gomorrah. No doubt those were punishments. Today is a great day to heed these warnings, and move away from sinful actions. Today is a great day for us too turn our eyes on God. Follow his commands. Serve others as we should. Let’s not put ourselves into a position where we need to be forgiven and to be warned. Let’s put ourselves into a position to please God. Let’s put ourselves into a position where we honor the sacrifice Jesus made for us. And let’s put ourselves into a position where others can learn from us. Because God loves us. He always has. He always will. 

April 12 Devotion

Barbara and I have been watching the series on Netflix called The Chosen. It really has been interesting. The last episode that we watched was over the miracle that Jesus performed with the paralyzed man. His friends had brought him to Jesus. And the only way they could get him in Jesus’s presence was by lowering him through the roof/ceiling of the house Jesus was in. For obvious reasons, the story has personal meaning to me.

Could you imagine being there at that moment. Could you imagine being there to witness a man who had been paralyzed since childhood, standing up and walking away. How incredible that must’ve been. Along with other miracles that Jesus performed, the people that witnessed these must have been blown away by what they were watching. Getting to see things take place that can only be explained as being miracles. Walking on water. Feeding the 5000. Curing a man of leprosy. These truly were incredible miracles that Jesus performed. 

Makes me wonder how many people began to believe in our Lord and Savior after seeing what they got to see. I wonder how many people changed their lives after witnessing those moments. Also makes me wonder, why is it that sometimes we need to witness miracles to truly believe? I don’t know the answer. I guess we just need to have proof. But I’m still not certain. All I know is this, our Lord and Savior loves us tremendously. We may not get to see miracles like those in the Bible got to see. But they take place every day. One example is taking a near death experience years ago and bringing people together to found a ministry that’s changing lives through the hope and joy only he provides. Truly awesome. I’m sure if you think about it, there have been times in your life that are similar. Coincidence? I think not. God has a plan. And if we open our eyes, we can see his plan taking place.

April 11 Devotion

I was having a conversation last night with one of our board members. Talking about faith. Talking about our relationships with Christ. We agreed that being humbled quite possibly is one of the most important times in a man’s life. It’s in those moments that we can truly look at ourselves and figure out what it is we need to work on. Those times can be hard. Very hard. But, those times can be beneficial. Very beneficial. If we let them. We have to look at those as the times we can truly grow. It’s up to us.

Some might think I was crazy. But, when I used to work out, I loved the pain. I knew the pain was going to lead to building strength. During those moments of pain, our muscle fibers are being broken down, then built back up. The same can be said about our spiritual lives. God provides moments for us that can be painful. Moments where we wonder, why it is we are going through, what it is we are going through. We question those times. How could God allow this to happen? Moments where our health isn’t so good. Moments where our relationships seem to be falling apart. Moments where we lose loved ones to death. So much pain can come from these. It’s natural to wonder why.

For believers, I would like to suggest that it’s during those times that God is building us for something that’s coming. Preparing us. We might not know it at that moment. But hold fast. God is setting us up for something. For non-believers, I would like to suggest that it’s during those moments that God is breaking their hearts. Convicting them. Telling them that they need to turn towards him. Telling them that he is there if they seek him. He will not stop convicting them either. Actually, he will not stop convicting us. As I said earlier, it’s during those moments that he’s building us. So today, let’s look at those hard times as opportunities to grow. To grow in our personal lives. To grow in our personal relationships. And most importantly, to grow in our relationships with our Lord and Savior.

April 10 Devotion

One of the greatest emotional gifts that God has given us is passion. Being passionate about something can be a wonderful feeling. And there are different types of passion. For example, I had a passion for playing basketball years ago. I loved it. Now, I have passion now when I go hunting. I love it. Having passion for what you do can be motivating. It can get us excited about what we are doing. There can be passion in our marriages. I have deep passion for my bride. I love her wholeheartedly. And I also think that as believers, we should have passion when we serve God. To put it clearly: Men/Women of God should have passion.

Have there been times in your life that you have stepped out of your comfort zone because of something you were passionate about? Some thing that you did that was out of the ordinary? Maybe even considered extreme by others? Possibly dangerous? Let’s think about our Lord and Savior. Let’s think about Jesus for a moment. He had passion. He lived with it. He died with it. Movies and plays have been called The Passion. Go back in your mind to when he was on earth. Think about the things that he did that were extreme for that time. Would you have touched lepers? Would you now? Do you associate with “known” sinners? See where I’m going!

When I played and coached basketball, there was no doubt that I was going to leave everything I had on the floor when I was done. I gave it all that I had. I try to do that now with my family. I try to do that now with the ministry. I’m sure I come up short sometimes. But I still try my best. That’s what God wants for us. He wants us to live a life full of passion. Full of spirit. And he wants us to serve him in this manner. With all that we have! It’s easy for us to get caught up and going day by day. Paycheck to paycheck. Nothing wrong with keeping that in mind. But, maybe today would be a great day to start letting the Holy Spirit move your heart in a way it never has. Maybe today is a day to step out of your comfort zone and live life full of passion. Maybe today is a day to at least give it a try. Maybe today is the day…To love God passionately.

April 9 Devotion

Easter Sunday! It’s here. This is the day that we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior. As believers, this is the most important day of the year. We are celebrating Jesus ascending to heaven. Going there to prepare a place for us. Waiting for us. All the while, he’s guiding us on earth. Watching over us. Giving us hope and joy. But, as we celebrate, let’s not forget what took place days before. The crucifixion.

Last night, the message at church was on the Four Calls of the Cross: Universality, Conviction, Compassion, and Forgiveness . I find it very fitting to share these today. It’s important for us to remember these things. These are the reasons why Jesus paid the ultimate price. So today, let’s work on these four things. Let’s follow the example led by Christ.

First, let’s be united. Let’s be united in serving one another. There is strength in numbers. Let’s be united in our mission to show others grace. Second, let’s follow our convictions. God‘s not going to stop convicting us. We can choose to act on it or not. Up to us. But, I suggest we follow our convictions. Third, let’s have compassion. Compassion towards one another. Let’s break our hearts and be open to serving others in this manner. Finally, forgiveness is the key. It’s the key to heaven. The key! What Jesus did on the cross for us was of his own doing. Not ours. We made the mess. He cleaned it up. He did so for us to be united with him. Universality, conviction, compassion, and forgiveness. All for us. All done on the Cross.

April 8 Devotion

Today marks the Saturday after The Crucifixion. That moment when Jesus paid the ultimate price for us. Enduring a pain that we can never imagine. By now, Jesus has been placed in the tomb. But we know, that was temporary. He rose from the dead. Left the tomb empty. And ascended to heaven. All of this was done to give us a hope. To show us love. To pave the path. To prepare a place for us next to him. How humbling is that!

The sad reality is this though, none of this makes life easier for us on earth. We are still living in a human world. Everyone goes through difficult circumstances at one time or another. We find ourselves discouraged. Losing jobs. Our health taking a turn for the worse. Financial struggles. Relationships ending. Facing death. So many things. And it’s during those moments that we can lose sight on God. We can lose sight on the hope that he provides. I believe that is when Satan creeps in and tells us God is not there. Telling us that if God loved us so much, why would he allow us to struggle. He is the ultimate liar.

No matter what we are going through, let’s remember that this is temporary. Let’s remember that God promises hope and love. No matter the struggles, let’s remember these things. Just remember that eternity is waiting for us. Take rest knowing this. Let’s never turned a blind eye on the sacrifice Jesus made, but let’s always believe in the joy that awaits us. The pain and struggles we face or temporary. And they are nothing in comparison to what awaits us in heaven.