June 24 Devotion

I grew up in a household with one TV. As a matter of fact, the first one I remember having was black and white. And whenever dad was home, we watched what he wanted to watch. Being a soldier, he liked war movies. He liked westerns too. But, he preferred war movies. I enjoy them myself. Especially World War II movies. Like the Big Red 1. And I believe it’s because of growing up in that household. When I was a teacher, I prefered teaching American history. Because, I got to teach on the wars that the American soldiers fought in. Don’t get me wrong. It’s not that I think war is good. I think that it’s an important part of our history. And we need to remember that. And we need to honor those that lost their lives. Actually, we need to honor all of our troops. 

In the Bible, there are stories about battles. Stories of war. But more importantly, the Bible has imagery. Imagery of war. Imagery of battles. And from times thousands of years ago all the way through now, there’s a battle taking place. It is spiritual warfare. It’s a war against the demons of hell. And it’s ugly. But what’s awesome about our God is that he gives us everything we need to face this battle. And sometimes it’s personal. It’s personal because we fight our past. Maybe even our present. But most definitely, we fight for our future. We don’t have to let our past define us. We can learn from our past. Especially from our mistakes. We can learn from our choices that were destructive. That’s part of the blessing from God.

Fighting this battle, it’s up to us to stay in contact with God. Especially, during times of struggles. We need to remember he gives us everything we need. We also need to remember that the victory has already been declared. Jesus did that for us on the cross. And just as we must honor all of our troops, we must honor Jesus and what he did for us. Even more so. Stay in contact with your Lord and Savior by praying. Talk to him. He wants to hear from you. Staying close to him will keep giving you the weapons that you need in this battle. Staying close to him will help you heal from your past. It will help you solidify your present and your future. And the greatest victory is this: We can have eternal salvation with our Lord and Savior in heaven.

June 23 Devotion

Some of you may know this already. but currently, the World Special Olympics are taking place in Berlin. This morning on ESPN, they showed a video of a 50 meter race. That race featured three men. One of them actually crawling. It was pretty awesome. The guy was doing what he can. Making the best of his circumstance. And let’s just say, his arms are jacked! 

Yesterday was our Monthly Men’s Bible Study. If you haven’t been able to join us yet, you should. If you’re not local, you can do it on Zoom. It’s the third Thursday of each month. Right now we’re going through Hebrews. The topic yesterday was on mountains we face. We all have those. And just as soon as we climb one mountain, we face another. They keep coming at us. Illnesses. Anxiety. Depression. PTSD. Even facing death. All mountains. One of our guests was diagnosed with cancer several months ago. Talk about a mountain to climb. I bet some of you can relate. What stands out about his circumstance is how he faced it. He told his doctor this when he found out he had cancer: “It’s a win-win situation. If cancer takes me, I go to heaven. If I beat cancer, I’m still alive here. It’s a win-win.” He was making the best of his circumstance. So powerful.

All of us are going to struggle at times. Especially, when we face circumstances that seem overwhelming. They seem hopeless. We can lose our joy. We can lose our peace. We can lose our hope. But…I would like to suggest this. Our circumstances do not have to define us. They do not have to control us. We can face them knowing that our God is bigger than all of them. The Bible tells us to not be anxious about anything. It tell us to always be thankful in everything. Anything means anything. Everything means everything. So that includes our circumstances. Even the ones that are not good. Even the ones that seem hopeless. Our  identities are in God. They should define us. And people should realize that about us when they see us. So today, let’s not allow our circumstances to control us. Let’s control them. By changing how we view them. By letting God take control over them. If we do this, we change everything about what we are going through. And just like our guest said yesterday, they become a win-win no matter what the results are.

June 22 Devotion

Three years ago we were stuck right in the middle of the pandemic. If I recall, Joplin was the hotbed for the country during the month of June. Hard to believe that it’s been that long ago. Recently in the month of May, President Biden declared that the public health emergency and the national state of emergency had both ended. Much of life has returned to normal. But it is definitely a new normal. Just think about how people work remotely. Definitely an example of the new normal. Although the pandemic may be over, there are still lingering effects. For me, it’s how I view things. What is important. What really is not important.

As life moves on, COVID-19 is still a virus that mutates into other variants. There will be infections. There will be sickness. And for some, there will be death. It is here. It’s not going anywhere. I am not sure we will ever know the exact number of infections. But I’m certain it is well in the millions world wide. COVID-19 leaves people with numerous questions for God. For many of us, I imagine that the virus attacked them emotionally. Mentally. And spiritually. Chances are that you know someone personally who had the virus. Maybe even lost someone to it. My family had to face the death of the man who raised me. It was shocking. I felt countless unexplainable emotions. Anger. Sadness. Abandonment. Confusion. Helpless. 

In the Bible, we read of people feeling the same feelings. David is an example. David felt anger and anguish. But just as he was feeling these feelings, he felt confidence. And he also was able to praise God. Even when going through difficulty and pain, David found rest in God. We can too. I never doubted God‘s presence through all the turmoil that we went through with COVID-19. Actually, he comforted me throughout the whole time. I felt his love. His unfailing love. And I was reminded that God is forever. The pandemic is not. I was reminded that even when we stare death in the face, God is with us. Pain and suffering is part of this world. It’s part of life. But the hope we get from God overcomes it all.

June 21 Devotion

At many of our events, we try to give out Bibles the last day. The ones that we give out are covered in brown vinyl. Look a lot like leather. And we engrave our logo on the front of them. They make for a very nice gift. Often times, we hear from guests that this is the first time someone has given them a Bible. And that’s humbling. But what’s important about what takes place during those moments is not the action of giving them a Bible. Yes that is important. But the point of that moment is this, we tell them that the answer to every question that they may ever have will be found in this book. And that is true.

Have you ever had a moment where you were confused about something and you opened up the Bible? You simply opened up the Bible and the verses that popped up on the page you open to were exactly what you needed to hear? Something is going on in your life that you needed encouragement. And there it was. Something is going on in your life that you needed guidance. And there it was. That’s awesome. I think that’s God’s way of saying to us: “Here I am.”

The Bible is full of stories. Full of history. Full of advice. When we read the Bible, we can find encouragement. We can find hope. We can find love. But I think we find those, if we are seeking God while we read. The Bible is our manuscript. It is our directions for our lives. It is our instruction manual. The Bible is full of wisdom. The Bible is all of these, because the Bible is a gift to us from God. We read about putting on the armor of God. To help protect us. A big part of us that needs protected is our minds. Because Satan is going to try to infiltrate us. Trying to get into our minds. If we turn to the Bible daily, we help protect our thoughts. And this protects our minds. So today, try to start making it a daily habit to read the Bible. BUT…be sure to seek God while you do so. If you’re not doing it already. And if you are doing it already, continue seeking wisdom from God. Seek his peace. Seek his hope. Seek his love. All of us need these. I know I do.

June 20 Devotion

Today, I’m getting this out a little later than normal. I try to get these done each morning. But today, I had to get around quickly to get to the office to prepare for the Women’s Bible Study. Also, I was meeting personally with a gentleman to do an interview for his show. I had something in mind to talk about when I got time to write this. But today’s activities have changed that. 

During my interview, we talked a lot about how Charlie 22 Outdoors was founded. But more importantly, we talked about why we were founded. What we are trying to do. And how we go about doing it. It was a great conversation. Before we knew it, we had been together almost 2 hours. I can talk forever about the ministry. Why we were founded. How we were founded. Where we were. Where we are. Where we are headed. I can talk your leg off. But, there was a question that he asked me at the very end that really hit home. He asked me this, “What have you learned about yourself through this experience with Charlie 22 Outdoors?“ I was speechless for a moment. I never really have thought about that. What a great question though. Instead of talking about my role with the ministry, he wanted me to do self analysis on what I have learned. Holy cow! 

In this day and age, we watch people go from one thing to the next. Faster, faster, and faster. We live at breakneck speeds. Worried about not getting something done in time, or being someplace in time, or simply missing out on something because of timing. Those of us that live in Missouri, think about I-44 from Joplin to Springfield. Driving on that is now like the Indy 500. If you’re not doing 80 miles an hour now, you’re going slow. With people on your rear bumper. Upset at you, like you’ve ruined their whole day for making them slow down for five seconds. Point being, we are in a hurry. Nothing wrong with a fast paced world. But when we’re in a hurry, we can easily lose sight on what we are doing. And why we are doing it. Now back to the question. I don’t recall what I told him Word-for-Word. But it was something along these lines. I have learned that I need to keep the mission to focus. That I have learned to not place my desires above anything else. That I have learned to serve others. To place their needs above mine. And that’s why the ministry is where it is now. Not because of me. But…because everyone involved believes in the mission. They “get” it. There’s no personal agenda. And God is blessing it. So today, I want you to remember this. Our plans are nothing compared to God‘s plans. Our peace is nothing compared to the peace that God can provide us. What we think our talents are, or nothing compared to the talents that God has given us. Take a moment, and ask yourself what he asked me. Look inside yourself and reevaluate. And make sure when you do so, you place God before everything else. And then watch what happens. It will be glorious.

June 19 Devotion

When my father was stationed at Fort Carson Colorado, we lived in Colorado Springs. I was in 6th grade. I went to Bricker Elementary School. We lived in a house that had split levels. It was four floors. But, they were staggered. It was pretty cool. Outside our window you could see Pikes Peak. I remember enjoying Colorado. All except for my job. Yes I had a job in the 6th grade. I had a paper route. An early morning paper route. Daily, I would wake up around 4:30 AM and go to the garage to roll papers that I then delivered. I would either walk around the neighborhood, or I’d ride my bike, and deliver those things. And I hated every bit of it. It was my first “real” job. And I hated it with a passion. I loved the money. But, I hated the job. I did it for a couple of months. There was one night that we were all watching TV and I fell asleep. I woke up at bedtime and proceeded to go to the garage to start the roll trash. The next day, my mother made me quit the job. Probably a smart decision.

Some of you might be able to relate to this. Not liking the job that you have. And that’s unfortunate. But, I want to talk about some thing here that I feel is important. If you recall, a few weeks ago I mentioned talking to a nurse about God having her right where she supposed to be. And the point of that conversation with her is that I don’t care where it is that you work, you can still serve God. There are ways in all jobs that we can still serve God. And even those of us that are not working anymore, there are ways that you can still serve God. We are called to serve him and all that we do. And if you think about it long enough, I’m sure you can find ways that you can show others who God is. Maybe it’s putting verses on your email signature. Maybe it’s simply hanging a cross on your wall. What would be even cooler is people simply seeing you and knowing that you are a believer. The way you hold yourself.

So today, the beginning of the work week, pray over your efforts. Pray that God blesses what you are doing in order for others to see him. Pray that what you do is for him. And not for people. That may be hard to understand. But pray that you are working for God, and then that will lead to you serving others through God in all that you do. If you do this, and you do as God convicts you, your efforts will be successful. He will bless your efforts. Because that will bring him glory. And maybe, just maybe, for those of you that don’t like what you do, maybe you will begin loving what you do. Because…God will be in it. And that my friends is glorious no matter what it is that we do. How awesome is that!

June 18 Devotion

My nephew, Jess Hettinger, works for the local water and electric department. Yesterday, we were talking about different things going on in the city. And also about our personal lives. It’s really one of the only adult conversations that I have ever had with him. It was a real blessing for me. Getting to hear him talk about work, his wife, his kids, just life in general, was pretty cool. But what really stuck out to me was him talking about his faith. How he has grown in that area over the last couple years. How he is trying to lead his family as well. Just so very cool. Made me proud of him.

One thing that stuck out to me about our conversation, was hearing him talk about listening to God. When he first really heard God talk to him. How God had been convicting him. For example, he is on the security team at his church. A few months ago he was outside the sanctuary. Keeping watch. And he felt God tell him to go in. So he went in and he felt a presence like never before. I told him that was the Holy Spirit. Well, let’s just say that the Holy Spirit took hold. And his relationship with God changed then. He began to understand what having faith is really about. What having a relationship with our Lord and Savior is really about. And that’s what happens when somebody opens their hearts and lets God in. Their lives change. Just as Jess’s did. 

I gave him a piece of advice. Something that he probably already knew. But we all need to hear it every now and then anyways. God is going to convict everyone of us. And he’s not going to stop convicting us until we act. We can choose how we act. Our decision is our decision. Some of us choose to not follow the conviction. And often times, those choices lead to bad results. I know from experience. And I also know this, if we do follow what God is convicting us of, good things will happen. He will bless our actions. Because they are what he wants us to do. Does not mean they are going to be easy. Sometimes very difficult. But they are part of the plan for us. We must listen to God. We must open our hearts and truly listen to what he’s telling us. And remember, his plan for us is good. And it will bring him glory. And that is exactly what we should do. 

June 17 Devotion

Recently, we have talked a lot about distractions. Trying to avoid those and keeping our focus on Jesus. We have talked about how we are viewing sin as being ok. How things that are so completely wrong…have become so completely right in our eyes. Because, those that we trust say that they are right. We have talked about how easy it is to lose sight of what we are called to do, because we are constantly pursuing what we “think” we are called to do. These are all ways that our hearts can be clouded. These are all ways that we can fall away from God. Without even realizing it. 

In the Bible, Jesus warned us about this. The parable of the sower. This is the parable where some of the seeds that the farmer sowed ends up among thorns. As the seeds grow, the thorns take hold. They can choke the seeds. They can choke out the fruitful growth. And that’s what happens when we get distracted. Our growth in God can be slowed down. Even stopped if not careful. And that is dangerous. Because, then we can begin to really slip into an area where we allow things to happen because they seem right. Where we believe that evil is good. And good is evil. Where we believe that wrong is right. And right is wrong. These thorns we are talking about can include anxiety. Personal desires. Worldly ideals. And so much more. Remember, God and keep us from sin, or sin can keep us from God.

But there is a remedy. There’s a way to avoid this. If we intentionally work on building a relationship with God, we can remove these thorns. When we allow God to control our hearts, we can thrive in his grace. We can stay connected to him. Our hearts will grow in him. How awesome is that! So today, try to place your focus on God. Really place your focus on God. Remove the distractions. Determine what the thorns are and remove them. Go to your knees and pray for guidance. Read the Bible. Do these things, and watch your life change. Watch your life change because God loves you.

June 16 Devotion

Well, it happened again. Barbara and I were watching another episode of America’s Got Talent and a performance really touched our hearts. We just can’t help ourselves. A country singer name Mitch Rossell performed. But what caught our attention wasn’t so much his singing, as much as it was his story. Basically, he lost his father and other members of his family in a horrific car accident when he was 10 years old. A drunk driver caused it. 

As he told his story, he talked about his father wanting him to learn how to play music. That they spent time together singing and listening to music. At a young age though, his interests were in sports. Didn’t really want to learn how to play music. Let alone play the guitar. As he grew, he wanted to continue a connection with his father. So he took up guitar lessons. And researching him a little more, we found out that he has written several songs for some major headliners. Garth Brooks being one. But never has really pursued his singing career until recently. The song he sang was an original. It’s call “Son”. I don’t want to give too much away. But the essence of the song was talking about losing his father. And then being a father of his own son. You can tell there was a genuine love between him and his father. Now a genuine love for his own son. You should Google it: Mitch Rossell America’s Got Talent. Have your Kleenex ready though. 

After watching it, it made me think about writing this devotion. You see, we have a father. If father who calls us his children. And he sent his son to be with us. He sent Jesus to be with us. He did so because he loves us. And His love for us will never end. So today, let’s make sure God knows that we love him as well. Let’s make sure he knows that he is in our hearts. That we are following him. Just as that fateful night years ago when Mitch lost his family, it can happen to us in an instance as well. Without warning. Without notice. It can happen in the blink of an eye. So let’s not be too late in seeking our Lord and Savior. Let’s not be too late letting him know that we love him.

June 15 Devotion

At our farm house there is a hawk. We call her the resident hawk. We don’t know where her nest is. But, she has definitely taken up residency in the area. We’ve had the property now for nine years. Going on 10. And she has been out there for over half of that time. Unless I’m seeing more than one bird and I don’t realize it. Which is possible. Either way, there is a hawk out there. We even have a bald eagle that flies around. So majestic. You can very clearly see the white head and tail. I love it. Every now and then I can hear the shriek that they make. And that catches my attention. So then I watch as they sore in the sky. So completely free. Sometimes I wonder if they are just flying to be flying. I would if I could. What a feeling it would be like to be able to do so.

Also, near our property is a radio tower that stands several hundred feet in the air. And the hawk likes to land on it very near to the top of it. I’m guessing she’s doing so to take a look around. To see what she might be able to capture for her next meal. Or maybe she’s taking a break. I don’t know. All I know is that she is way up in the air sitting up there. Once again, so completely free. And once again, I would do so if I could. 

This freedom I’m talking about reminds me of us having the ability to be spiritually free. To be spiritually free in the hope that comes from Jesus. Which is so incredible. And it is something that all of us can experience. But requires action on our part. First, we must trust God. We must love God. We must let him have control. Second, we must talk to Our Lord and Savior. Praying to him. Asking him for guidance. I think we should pray daily. Finally, we must continually practice walking in faith. We must continually work on keeping our hearts pure. We must continually control our thoughts. Trying to keep our focus on God. If we do these things, God will bless us. I’m not saying God will make life easier. I’m not saying God will take all of our troubles away. Our difficulties. What I am saying is, God will see us through. And therein lies the blessing. Therein lies the freedom.