This morning‘s devotion is going to resonate more with those of us that grew up without the Internet or smart phones. Back before the worldwide web or AOL existed. A time before smart phones. Texting. Email. Etc. Some of us say it was a simpler time. It might’ve been. I’m not sure. But I do know is this…there was a time that I could go trick-or-treating without having a parent watching over it. I know that sounds funny for this devotion. But stick with me.
I think technological advances really are incredible. Many things can be performed and conducted much easier. Much faster. But there’s a downside. Actually a couple downsides. One, we are losing more of the one on one skills. The in-person skills. The people skills. The kind where you shake hands when you make a deal. The kind where we look someone in the eyes as you discuss things. And that I think has led to much of the distrust that we have. The trick-or-treating example shows this. I don’t know any parents that just allow their kids to go on the road now. That’s because of the distrust.
Another downside is this. Yes, things are much easier. Things happen at a quicker rate. But…that puts us in a hurry. In a rush. Trying to get as much accomplished as fast as we can. Nothing wrong with accomplishing things. Nothing wrong with getting things done quickly. The problem lies within losing sight on what we should be focused on. We can lose sight on the “why” we are doing things. We can lose being in the moment. In the Bible, Jesus never ran anywhere. Never seemed to be in a hurry. Let’s learn from this. Let’s not simply be driven. Let’s let the Holy Spirit lead us. Guide us. Let’s look at our lives and make sure we keep the focus on the ”why” we are doing things. Let’s allow our lives to be blessed by slowing down some. Keeping focus where it should be.