November 2 Devotion

What is it that you prepare for? What is it that takes your time and attention to get ready for? If you ask yourself that question, and you’re honest about it, I bet you realize that whatever you prepare for is important to you. Things that require your attention and time are important to you. God has prepared eternity for us. Let’s read that again. God has prepared eternity for us. That is awesome. But we must be aware of this other truth as well. Satan has done the same thing. Let that sink in. And if they are preparing eternity for us, then it must be important. Actually, probably better put it this way: They are at war over our eternity. Therefore, you better believe that it is important.

We are all going to die someday. That’s reality. Reality is that we will all spend eternity somewhere. So living on this earth isn’t our forever home. As Christians, we rejoice in knowing where we are going. And how glorious that is going to be. 

But, we don’t have a free ticket to heaven. To get there requires action on our part. And here are probably the two best pieces of advice I can give you. I may be off a little bit, but this is what I believe. I believe that we must repent and ask for forgiveness. I believe those are the two foundations to live as believers and to achieve life in heaven with Jesus. The Bible tells us that the way to heaven is through Jesus. No way around that. And with that reward awaiting us, we should live our lives serving others trying to show them the glory that is awaiting them as well. Eternity with Jesus! Wow! We can’t even begin to imagine what that’s going to look like. Now go and love God. Love others. Serve the world.

November 1 Devotion

We all have heard the saying, “Money makes the world go ‘Round.” And there is definitely a lot of truth to that. So much so, we all have most likely worried about our finances at some point in our lives. Being good stewards of our money is biblical. And we should strive to be in control of our money. And not let money control us. But we are human. We make mistakes. Sometimes those are financial. Many of us do not make mistakes, but still find ourselves in financial situations that are overwhelming. So it’s easy to be worried about the bills and other things we need to pay for.

I think it would be great to get to a place where we truly trust God to be our provider. To not worry about money. The Bible tells us God provides for birds and flowers. It tells us he values us far more. And we know he sent Jesus to die on the cross for us. So meeting our needs must be part of his plans. I’m fully aware that difficult times come and worrying is a human response. But, let’s try to remember through what the Bible teaches us. God is our Provider!

When we seek God first, he frees us from the worries and pressures of earth because our eyes are fixed on Him instead of the temporary things that weigh us down. Always remember that God can meet all of our needs. Now, this is not a free pass to do nothing and expect God to take care of us. I’m not saying that at all. Actually, probably just the opposite. We are still called to do our parts. And that’s where being good stewards comes in. Let’s just be aware that we need to put him first. He will then show us the way. He will provide. Because he loves us. Always has. Always will.

October 31 Devotion

As we go about our day-to-day routines, it’s easy to forget just how near God is to us. It’s also an easy reminder for us to remember that God‘s presence is all around us. No matter where we go, he’s already been there. He is still there. He’ll be there after we’re gone.

I think it’s important for us to realize that this includes the good and the bad times. He rejoices with us when we celebrate our successes. Just as it is good for our hearts, it’s good for God. He loves us and he loves those moments for us. And just as he celebrates with us, he will see us through the tragedies, hardships, and any adversities that we face. And that is awesome.

So when the times come that you feel lonely, and you begin wondering, remember that God is everywhere. All the time! And that includes both around you and inside you. He is your hope and your love. Although he may not take away the pain and the suffering, he will provide you the path through those. He may not take away the tragedies and adversities, but he will provide you with the strength you need. And even greater than feeling his presence here on earth, will be when we feel his presence in heaven for eternity. Incredible! He will always be there, because he loves you. Always has. Always will.

October 30 Devotion

Today is short and sweet. The verse says it all. People should be able to see Christ through us. If they don’t, we need to rethink how we are doing things.

Christ died for us. The least we can do is represent him in a manner that shows everyone his glory. I fail at this daily. But I still strive to do so.

October 29 Devotion

What do you have faith in? Yourself? Your family? Do you have faith in your employees? What about your favorite sports team? What is it that you put your faith in? Such an important question.

Faith is such an key part of our relationship with God. It is the glue that ties us to God. Without faith,  we really don’t have any relationship with God. And it’s in Romans that scripture tells us, “It is through faith that a righteous person has life.” So our lives serving our Lord and Savior require us to have faith.

So maybe today is a good day to take a moment and analyze yourself. See where your faith is. See where you put it. Is it time to re-prioritize? Maybe it’s time for you to really determine what your relationship with God looks like.  That’s the challenge today. To work on putting your faith in God. Knowing that he will see you through whatever it is you face. Knowing that your relationship with him is built on your faith in him. He wants you to love him. He wants you to put your faith in him. He wants these things, because he loves you. Always has. Always will. 

October 28 Devotion

How many times have you said or done something that as soon as you did you knew you had messed up? Are you ever frustrated with yourself? Frustrated that you did something that wasn’t honoring God? Was it hard to forgive yourself? These are all legitimate questions. I know from experience. I mess up daily. We all do. Thank goodness we have a forgiving God.

God‘s grace is further reaching than we will ever be able to comprehend. It extends and covers beyond all of our actions. Nothing we can do will surpass it. That doesn’t mean we have a free ticket to sin. We can’t just go do what we want to do. It just means that there’s nothing that we can do that God‘s love can’t overcome. Think about Saul. Even he was forgiven when he repented. Then he went on to be a warrior for Jesus.

Make no mistake, there are two forces battling daily for our lives. There are two teams. Jesus’s team and Satan‘s team. I have played on both. Not proud of it. But I have. But I can say is this, God’s grace and forgiveness has covered me. And it can cover you. And what’s more amazing are the testimonies that we can have. Others can see this grace. They can see God‘s love. They can see our transformations. And how awesome is that! Others can see the hope from Jesus through us. And then they can be covered with grace and forgiveness. And then others can see it through them. And that’s what it’s all about. Don’t let Satan trick you into thinking you are not forgiven. Pray that prayer. Receive that grace. And show others the hope that you have through Christ.

October 27 Devotion

A few years ago at church, during the message, our pastor said that we had gotten comfortable as Christians. That we were comfortable in our lives and letting things slide.  We had allowed God to be removed from many aspects of our lives. Oh, how accurate he was. And that can hold true still today.

I’m not sure why, but reading this verse today reminded me of that sermon. “Look, I am sending you out as sheep among wolves. So be as shrewd as snakes and harmless as doves.” Matthew‬ ‭10‬:‭16‬. When I read this, what I believe we are being told is that in this world there’s going to be attacks from all sides. Attacks will even come from within your inner circles. From your family and friends. Sometimes unintentionally. Sometimes intentionally. Wherever they come from, whether they were on purpose or not, attacks are going to come. How we respond is important.

So let’s stop being comfortable. Let’s get out of our comfort zones and go do God’s work. Stand up for God. Stand up for grace. Stand up for the Holy Spirit. Stand up for what took place on the cross 2000 years ago. And let’s do this out of love. Sharing the hope that only comes from Jesus. That is what we are called to do. So let’s do it.

October 26 Devotion

As humans we possess strength. Incredible strength. Sometimes that strength seems to be beyond anything reasonable. Powerlifters setting records. MLB players hitting amazing home runs. We’ve all heard stories of people lifting cars off of others. Incredible physical strength. But I’d like to suggest, as amazing as physical strength can be, our mental, emotional, and spiritual strengths are more important. And as important as they are, they are limited. They can only carry us so far. 

With knowing that, we begin to realize that our true strength comes from the hope and grace that only God can give. The Bible tells us that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. That does not mean that we can do all things. What that is telling us is that no matter what we are going through, we can get through it with Christ in our lives. He will be with us as we “face” what we are facing. The Bible also tells us that his grace is all that we need. That means that his grace will give us the strength to “face” what we are going through.

Don’t let this be discouraging. It’s incredible to know that God uses us in our weakest moments to show everyone his glory. He uses us as examples. As amazing as the feats of strength are that I mentioned a minute ago, I am more blown away by watching people handle deadly diseases, tremendous heartache, and other situations that do not end the way they hoped for. Watching them continue to praise and worship. Watching them show hope that comes through the grace they received. And that is the strength that we’re talking about. The strength that we were given through Christ. Amazing! But you need to remember, you need to invite him in. When you do so, he will be there for you.

October 25 Devotion

As we continue to read together, there’s a reoccurring theme in the Bible that we see over and over. There’s one truth that we all need to realize and believe in wholeheartedly. That reoccurring theme and truth is that we have one real hope. And that is Jesus. 

I have made that trip around the sun over 50 times. Unfortunately, I have trusted myself and placed my hope in my own workings far too long. We live in a world where a man’s value is placed on his wallet and his conquests. His successes and his failures determine his worth. What he achieves determines how high on the “wall of fame” he gets placed. There’s nothing wrong with trusting ourselves, working to make a good living, and to be successful in the eyes of others. The problem is when we allow those to be our driving force.

God wants us to live well. He wants us to be successful. He wants us to motivate others. But he wants us to do that with him being the driving force. Our hope is to be in him. Our guidance should come from him. Our achievements should be through him. When we prioritize our lives like that, we live for his glory, all the while showing others that God should be first in all that we do. He should be first in our personal lives and our public lives. He should be first because he loves us. Always has. Always will.

October 24 Devotion

We have all heard the saying, God is for us. Chances are, you have said that at one point or another. Or someone you know has said it. Sometimes we convince ourselves that if we say it, we believe it. But do we really? Are we living like we believe it? Are we serving like we believe it? It’s easy for us to let life’s distractions block us from believing this all the time. 

Truth is…God is for us. God loves us. God believes in us. Song lyrics tell us: “God is for us, then who can stand against us.” Remembering this daily is the key. That can be easier said than done. But there are ways to help us remember. Ways for us to walk with him daily. Reading the Bible daily gives us the words we need. Fellowship with people who hold us accountable out of love. What we listen to, watch, read, etc. All tools to help us build the belief that God is for us.

When we truly believe that God is for us, we know there is hope. Although we live in a world of fear, we have the strength to get through the fear. We know that God is our foundation. He is our love. Each day, strive to believe that God is for us, including you. And that means that nothing stand against you. Nothing! God has you. Always has. Always will.