October 4 Devotion

I grew up playing sports. Football, baseball, basketball, track, etc. I even played soccer when we lived in Germany. After I graduated college, I coached basketball through the school system and privately for 20+ years. So pretty much my entire life, I have been part of different sports teams. But it wasn’t until my young adulthood that I truly learned about the only team that really matters. God‘s team. Don’t get me wrong, I learned a lot about life playing sports. I thought life lessons through sports. And I still love watching sports. So I am not disparaging those at all. But when we get down to it, God‘s team is really what’s important.

When we think of it that way, we realize there are two teams competing against each other. God’s. And Satan’s. They’re not just competing. They are in a full-fledged war. And I have played on both of them. Not proud of it. But I was on Satan’s team for quite a while. I’m not really sure I knew that I was, until I became part of God‘s team. That’s pretty crazy. But it’s the truth. 

And there’s another truth that I am 100% certain about. The truth that we find in the Bible. The truth that we feel through the Holy Spirit. The truth that comes from God‘s grace. The truth that I’m talking about is that Jesus loves you. He loves me. He even loves our enemies. His love is never ending. It’s all encompassing. He loved us before we were created. He loves us now. And he will always love us. It is through his love that we will receive eternity of peace in heaven. And that’s not crazy. That’s just the truth. He loves you. Always has. Always will.

October 3 Devotion

Recently, a close friend of mine and I were talking about the climate of our country right now. It’s not good. There’s so much fighting back-and-forth between political parties. Backbiting happening inside friendships. Betrayal in relationships. Lying, stealing, even killings. The list goes on, and on, and on.

But through all of this, there’s one constant. Always has been. Always will be. Jesus! He is the constant in our lives. No matter the turmoil or the storms were facing. No matter the trials that lie ahead of us. No matter where we are going, Jesus is the constant. Isn’t that awesome!

Everything that we have been through and are going through, he understands. He understands it more than we do. And he will see us through all of these things. All we have to do is ask him to. That’s it. His love for you and me is so tremendous, that all we have to do is ask. Don’t ever forget, God loves you. Always has. Always will.

October 2 Devotion

There’s a saying that we learn something new every day. And we do. Sometimes it may be something of great importance. Other times it may be trivial. Something simple. But either way, we learn something new every day. Or I think that we should anyway. The same can be said about our growth as Christians. As we move along in life, we should grow in our faith. We should learn something daily through Christ, that we can use to serve others.

There are different seasons that we go through. That can apply to every aspect of our lives. Personal. Career. Family. And Faith. As one season comes to an end, another one begins. Barbara and I have been through a few of those. Probably getting ready to go through one now as we get closer to becoming empty-nesters. It’s very important for us to remember that as we go through the changes, that we continually ask God to help us along the way. To teach us. Because…he can give us the greatest wisdom we will ever need.

In the Bible, we read that Jesus tells us to learn from him. You can view it as a suggestion if you want to. But I would think you would be mistaken. It seems to me, he’s “telling” us to do so. So it’s not a question whether or not we should. And it’s good that we learn from Jesus. For a variety of reasons. Helping our souls. Strengthening us. Cleansing us. Building us. Helping us become better servants for him. Jesus is an example that we should all follow. The Example! If there comes a time that we believe we have it all figured out, we should probably re-examine ourselves. So now, let’s conclude with something that I read: “Jesus does have it all figured out. He has our lives figured out. He has the trials that we are going to face figured out. He has the successes that we are going to enjoy figured out. And because he has it figured out, he has it all laid out for us.”

October 1 Devotion

Today is the beginning of our signature event of each year. Operation Roaring River is a four day event that we host every fall. We even have hosted it in December as well. This is our ninth time hosting an event at the State Park. Hard to beat the location. It is so very peaceful in the valley. This year we have a Veterans from Colorado and Florida. Joining veterans from Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas, and Kansas. And upon talking to them, we learned that they found out about us through veterans that they know. Who have been to previous events.

At the opening ceremony, we talked about veterans coming back to share what they got to experience their first time coming to an event. We talked about how it’s only through God’s grace that we are able to do what we are doing. Because his grace is what people are feeling. They are experiencing it. And that draws them closer to God. And isn’t that the ultimate goal of everything that we should be doing? Showing God’s grace. Sure it is! 

So, as you go about your day tomorrow work on showing God’s grace. Show others who he is. Do this, because many people don’t know what God’s grace is about. They have never experienced it. Isn’t that unfortunate? People we know have not felt the love that comes from him. Because… they have never turned to him. Let’s be sure to do all we can to show others his grace. And then they can move on and show others as well. Let’s do this because God loves us. Always has. Always will.

September 30 Devotion

Yesterday, I was blessed with the invitation to come and speak at one of my dear friend’s (Russ Ferguson) No-Retreat Men’s Archery Shoot. It’s some thing that he does annually. It’s a fundraiser that they use to give contributions to someone in the area who needs it. Most often, it’s with someone who is going through a health battle. What is pretty awesome about the location, is that it is the exact location where I got to meet Russ. Years ago. When he was doing a very similar thing for a young girl, who had just been in a car accident and paralyzed. Very similar to me. I am humbled by invitations like this. But I definitely feel like I’m not qualified to do such a thing.

We spoke about the trail that God has laid before us to come to him. The trail is our direct path to eternity. Because it brings us right to Jesus. and that’s how we receive eternity in heaven. Through him. No way around it. But we must take the first step and move that direction. I look back at my life before Jesus. And what I realize is how far off path, or the trail, that I was. I was searching for happiness in all the wrong places. I didn’t realize that I was going to get exactly what I needed from God…when I turned to God. And that’s how he operates. He will give us exactly what we need when we need it. And sometimes we don’t realize it’s what we need until we do get it. Isn’t that cool! 

So now, here is the challenge. Here is my request of you. If you’re off the path, get back on it. Get back on the trail. Remember, the worlds tells us what it has the offer is what we should want. And that’s why there’s such confusion. It’s a mess. Because what the world offers is self gratifying. Plain and simple. And the self gratification is temporary. It’s going to end. For example, if your friendships are built on something that is self gratifying, your friendships are going to end when it is gone. I know from experience. Another way of looking at it is that soft gratification is a Band-Aid. What I mean by that is, eventually it’s going to come off. And you’re left with the problems you had before. There’s only one way to receive the peace and hope we are all looking for. And that is by following the trail to God.

September 29 Devotion

One of the things that brings me great joy is when my phone rings and I see that it’s one of my children’s names on caller ID. Or even when one of the text messages that comes through is from one of them. I love when I get to speak with them. Sometimes they’re calling to just let me know how their day is going. And there are times they call with questions. I even get the opportunity to give them advice. It’s really great to hear their voices. Or to read their words in text. Point I am making here is that I love hearing from them. Just as our father in heaven loves to hear from us.

Do you take time to talk to God our father? Be honest. How often do you do so? Some people make time in the mornings before their day starts. Others that I know do it in the evening time before they go to bed. What a great way to finish the day! Now ask yourself, how is it that you talk to God? What do you do? Do you bow your head and go to your knees? Or do you do you like I do, and talk to him while you’re driving? However it is that you have these conversations, God loves them. He loves hearing from you. Prayer is key to our relationship with our Lord and Savior. Because it is how we communicate with him. So it is something that we should cherish and celebrate at the same time. And trust me, it’s something that God cherishes as well. It might be hard to think of it that way. But it’s true. Our father in heaven loves to hear from us.

The Bible tells us to give all of our worries and cares to God. That’s because God cares about us. So if there were times that are difficult, go to God. Just as children go to their fathers on earth. We can do the same thing with our heavenly father. He wants to help us through those moments. And let’s remember this as well, as much as we know that God is there for us in our moments of need, he is also there for us in our moments of success. What great opportunities those present for us to praise him. To thank him. To love him and celebrate him. So let’s not limit our conversations with God to asking for help. Talk to him when you have something that brings joy. He loves that too. Because he loves you. Always has. Always will.

September 28 Devotion

In honor of this National Sons Day, let’s celebrate our sons while we are talking about the Son of the living God: Jesus. Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. Plain and simple. If I asked you what your thoughts would be when you hear the name Jesus what would you say? What comes to mind? Do you think about the story in the Bible where Jesus fed 5,000? What about the last night he spent with the disciples when he washed their feet? Or maybe do you think about the crucifixion? It’s an interesting question. But it’s something that we should really look at.

Jesus performed several miracles that we read about in the Bible. And if you look closely at them, I think you can find a very common theme to them. Jesus was serving others. He was placing their needs in front of his own. He was lowering himself below others. Setting the example on how to truly serve other people. If we follow his example, then others should be able to see his light through us. There should be no question. Our families. Our friends. Our coworkers. People in the community. They all should be able to see him through us. It should be so visible, that they would want to have the same hope that we have. That’s the hope that comes from Jesus. And that’s important because…there are people that we encounter every single day that do not know Jesus. Read that again! They don’t know Jesus. We might be the only people to ever share Jesus with them. Wow! 

So as we celebrate our sons on this National Day, let’s remember Jesus, the Son of the living God. Let’s remember his examples. His examples of loving and serving others. His examples of being hospitable. His examples of humility. Let’s remember his miracles. It’s fine to be in awe of those. But let’s don’t lose track of way he performed them. Let’s find ways to show others who Jesus is. Let’s find ways to show others the love and hope that come from him. I know it’s a heavy burden to bear. It’s a heavy burden because we might be the only people to ever talk about Jesus to someone who doesn’t know him. But while we might view it as a burden, let’s think of the “burden” of the cross. Why that was done. That should be enough motivation for us. And don’t forget this very important point: Jesus loves you. He always has. He always will.

September 27 Devotion

There’s this video going around of Jennifer Garner. The paparazzi took it. I imagine they are on her trail at all times. Anyways, in this video they catch her serving a homeless man in a wheelchair. I’m sure if you search it on the Internet you’ll be able to find it pretty easily. I did. What’s amazing about it is that you can see she has a Ziploc bag of items. Already ready to go. So I’m guessing that she may have a few of these in her vehicles at all times. Just for these types of moments. And as she’s talking to him, she realizes he has no shoes or socks. So she gets out of her car and proceeds to put her socks on his feet. And realizes that her shoes are not going to fit. Next thing you know, she’s approaching the paparazzi, asking him what size of shoes he wears. And here is where the whole thing takes a different turn. The paparazzi guy is so moved by what he’s watching, that he proceeds to give her his shoes. Even though she’s offered to pay him for them. He goes further to give her a blanket that he has. Pretty awesome. I wish there were more videos like this out there.

I believe that we are called to do three things: Love God. Love others. Serve the world. As Christians, I believe these should be rules for us to live by. Maybe there are others I am missing. But these three are pretty big. We talk a lot about finding ways to serve God. We talk a lot about making him the corner stone of our lives. And on Sundays it’s easy for us to do that. Because there is a place for us to go do that. That place is church. But what about the other days of the week. What about the rest of the time outside of the church building. Are we trying to find ways to serve the world? Are we searching them out? Ask yourself these questions. And be honest with yourself.

Serving the world can be complicated if we let it. But at the same time, serving the world can be easy if we let it. But, it’s also easy for us to think that if we are doing things, then we are serving God. And that is not accurate. That can actually be a trap that Satan sets for us. Because he can get us so busy that we lose sight of “why” we are busy. We need to be doing things that serve God. We need to be doing things, because in our hearts, we are following what God is telling us to do. That’s why it’s important to pray to him for guidance. To ask him to tell us what to do. If we do, so, we will be doing exactly what I think we should be doing: Love God. Love others. Serve the world. If we do it in this order, others will see it. And maybe, just maybe, they will begin seeking God first. And then serving as he tells them to do. Let’s go back to Jennifer Garner. The paparazzi were there to film her. And then they watched her serve. And then they jumped in and served as well. Do you get the point?

September 26 Devotion

As Christians, our mission is to glorify God. In all that we do, we are to glorify God. In our homes. In our careers. In our hobbies. In our everything’s. We are to live lives that glorify God. Not easy sometimes. I’m fully aware of that. But it should still be our mission.

The Bible gives us many reasons why the glory of God is our purpose. But do we really need more reason than simply what took place on the cross 2,000 years ago? Jesus’s sacrifice should be more than enough for us. That alone should motivate us to seek out opportunities to serve him in all that we do. We should want to make God look good in your lives.

Take a look at your daily life and try to determine how you can use it to glorify God. Maybe it’s having weekly bible studies with co-workers. Maybe it’s putting together service projects with your families. Or maybe it’s simply playing praise music in your office. Opportunities are there. And I fully believe that they are not hard to fine. We just must want to find them. I’d suggest praying for guidance and God will show you the way. And whatever he shows you, I would do. Because God is not going to stop convicting you until you do it. He’s persistent that way. But that’s a good thing. 

September 25 Devotion

“Found him!” There are not many two word combinations that mean more to an archery deer hunter than…”Found him!” That is the culmination of the whole process of preparing for and putting together a successful hunt. Archery hunting is a whole different ball game compared to firearms hunting. It requires more preparation. It requires more patience. It requires more accuracy. And for those that are blessed by being able to take one of the amazing creatures that God created, it is truly incredible. Last night I heard those words. And it was, as I stated, truly incredible.

What was incredible about getting to hear my buddy yell that to me, what is the fact that he found my buck after looking for a nonexistent blood trail. Actually, two of my dear friends tried to find the blood trail. To no avail. So they began searching blindly, looking for any signs they could find. And by the grace of God, he was found. It really was amazing. He’s a deer that I have been seeing on camera for a while now. He’s a deer that I had an encounter with the night before. Trust me, I don’t take it for granted that I was able to bring him home last night.

Reminds me of our search for something that only comes from our Lord and Savior. I think that all men and women are looking for peace in their lives. Hope in their lives. Love in their lives. And if we search in the wrong places, we will find no existence of any of those. And unfortunately, too many of us do so. I know I did. Trying to find happiness and fulfillment in the wrong places. Believe me…I was searching. There was no blood trail for me to follow. At least I didn’t think so. It wasn’t until I found God, then I realized the trail had been there the entire time. It was me that was not following it. So today, let’s all make sure that we are on the right path. On the right trail. Searching for God. Finding God. Receiving the peace, hope, and love that we are only going to find from him. Let’s do that, and then we can tell others that we have…”Found him!”