March 5 Devotion

Yesterday was the fourth anniversary of Coach Armstrong’s death. It’s no secret the relationship that I had with Coach. Still hard to believe that he’s gone. A couple of months before his death, he gave a message at his church. During one of his points, he became very emotional. He was talking about how we are in a fight. It’s a fight for our souls between the enemy and Jesus. And it is vicious. And he reminded everyone that Jesus loves us. Doesn’t have to. But chooses to. And that alone deserves our devotion to him. 

In the Bible (John 5), we read how God cares about us, no matter what we are going through. No matter what. No matter our past. No matter our present. No matter our future. NO MATTER OUR DEMONS! God loves us. That is awesome. We have a God that never waivers in his care for us. He is constant. He is secure. He is forever. And that is waiting for us.

We all carry stuff. We all carry things that tap at our hearts. Things that bring us down. Things from our past. Things we regret. The question is, do we really want to get well? Do we want to heal? Do we want to get past those issues. In John 5, we read about Jesus healing a man. But, even before he did, the man gave some excuses for not believing it can happen. Sound familiar? Have you ever doubted that Jesus can provide salvation. Ever think: “I’m not worthy. I have issues. If I could just….” I’m sure most of us have had these thoughts. No matter what we are going through or believe, Jesus says come to me. He will help us. But it requires action on our part. Drugs, relationships, anxiety, etc. Nothing can keep us from him if we choose to seek him. And know this, sometimes we need to stand up for God. Sometimes we need to step out of our comfort zones. Show that we believe. He will help us do these things if we ask him to. And let me make this last suggestion: Let’s remember to rejoice and give thanks for what he has done. And for what he’s going to do. Let’s “act” on our beliefs for Jesus.

March 4 Devotion

On this morning four years ago, I received a phone call that absolutely floored me. Coach Armstrong‘s daughter, Alice, was on the other side of the call. When I saw her name on caller ID, I had no idea what I was about to hear. I was anticipating something about her grandfather. What she told me left me speechless. I couldn’t believe it. I still don’t believe it. Even as I write this, I don’t believe it. She told me that her father had had a heart attack and was no longer with us. What? Coach Armstrong was gone. 

As I think about him on this day, there’s so many things that I can say. So many things but, I don’t have room in this devotion. The lessons that he taught me. The values that he showed me. The morals to live by. The conversations. The stories. Oh man, the stories. As much as I miss him, as much as I want to hear him say……SCOTT-T!!! As much as I want to hear him give me tough advice. As much as I want to tell him about my family. I think it’s best to honor him today with something that I will always have that I learned. I can sum it up in two words: All In!

If you got to know him, you know what I’m talking about. If you let him into your life, you know what I’m talking about. He was all in! You didn’t have to question it. You didn’t have to think about it. You knew. He made sure you knew. No matter the situation. How big or small. He was all in. Whenever we talked, all that mattered was that moment. At that moment, he was all in. If we were working on something, all in. Practice, all in. Coaching, conversations, preaching, educating…all in. And that is how he taught me to be a believer. To be all in! When we follow Christ, there should be no doubt. Others should see that. Whenever we are reading, learning, educating others, when it comes to Christ, we should be all in. No matter the situation. No matter the triumphs or the trials, we should be all in! Jesus is the ultimate example. His sacrifice shows us. Leave no doubt. So today, let’s work at this. For Jesus, let’s be ALL IN!!!

March 3 Devotion

This morning’s topic is hard to make clear. Stay with me as I stumble through it. Here we go. Sometimes both believers and nonbelievers question if the gospel really works? Wondering whether or not if what Jesus preached 2000 years ago really is true. Was he, and is he still, the Savior? Is eternal salvation real? Does heaven really exist? Are all the promises from God true? Doubt is a natural response for humans. Because believing in the “un-seen” is difficult to do.

Now, proving that all of these truths that I’m talking about are real can be difficult. Especially to those who don’t already believe. Might be even more difficult for those who are doubting their beliefs. I think this because I believe that there is a spiritual warfare taking place in all of us. Satan is after our souls. He attacks the very core of our thoughts and beliefs. If he can put doubt in there, then he has a chance. But…at the same time, if we allow Jesus into our thoughts and beliefs, Satan does not have a chance.

When we change our thought process from self pleasing, to one of serving others, we begin to see the scriptures are true. When we concentrate on doing what God has called us to do, it becomes more obvious to us. As I have grown in my faith, it has become increasingly easier for me to see that what Jesus preached is in fact very real. During a recent conversation I had with a young lady, she was telling me that she can feel Jesus knocking at her door daily. That she is struggling trying to figure out who she is. Her old self is still fighting to keep her. I told her that God is convicting her. She is feeling the Holy Spirit coming after her. Just as Satan wants her, so does Jesus. Even more so. God is not going to stop convicting her. And that is a very real example of the truth that the Bible teaches us.

March 2 Devotion

Yesterday was the opening day of trout season. Thousands of people were lined along side the river casting time after time, trying to land that one “lunker” that has avoided them cast after cast. We say a lot, that sometimes the best conversation between two men is simply saying hello, casting a line, hours of silence, then saying goodbye. Just knowing someone is there can be therapeutic. Just knowing someone is there can be very peaceful.

We believe that man, all men, are searching for peace. So please bear with me as I try to explain this. We have stated this before. And we’re going to do so again today. Because we believe it might be the one thing that all men are looking for. Question is, “Where do you find it?“ Just as we believe that all men are searching for peace, we also believe that finding it is going to be different for everyone. Let me rephrase that. How we find it is going to be different for everyone. Unfortunately, many are not going to find it because they look in the wrong place. And here’s the reason for that: The one true source of peace is Jesus. The one true answer for peace is Jesus. He is peace. No question about it. Therefore, finding Jesus is the key to finding peace. 

We can find peace and tranquility along river banks. We can find them in deer and turkey blinds. We can find them while driving on back roads through the country. But…we can only find honest, true, lasting peace in our hearts through Jesus. He provides that. He willingly provides that. I often say, “Sometimes we don’t know what we need until we get what we need.“ And that’s the truth with Jesus. Many people are searching. Looking for something that will only come from Jesus. That’s how I was. I was searching years ago. I didn’t know I needed him until I found him. So maybe today is the day for you to find him. To bring him into your heart. Maybe today is the day to receive the peace that only comes from Jesus. He will give it to you. Because he loves you. He always has. He always will.

March 1 Devotion

Family dynamics are interesting to me. Sometimes, family members can be best friends. Other times, they are not so friendly with each other. In my family, the tree branches off in many different directions. It can be hard to keep track. We have biological parents, step-parents, siblings, half-siblings, step-siblings, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, children, step-children, grandkids, cousins, 2nd-cousins, and so on. And that’s just on my side. The story expands when we consider Barbara’s too. I magine that several of you reading this can relate. Extended families. Blended families. Large families. And there’s the Bible. It’s a family story. 

Just as we have personal flaws, the family in the Bible has issues too. And just as family parents do, God shows us all grace. He shows us mercy. He shows us love. Even when we don’t deserve it. As a matter of fact, those moments might be when he shows us examples of his love for us the most. The times when we don’t deserve it the most. He does this for us because we are part of his family.

Grace, mercy, and love are all from God. And we are to follow his example and show these to others. We are to do this because God loves us, even though we are flawed. I, for one am thankful of this. Because, I know I am undeserving of his love. There’s no way that I have earned his grace. I never will. Yet, he still extends it to me. The Bible gives us examples all throughout it. Lessons that we can learn and follow. Then we can teach others these same things. And then…they can teach others as well. And then our extended family, blended family, large family, can all be brought into God‘s family. And that’s what we are called to do. Show others who he is. So they will want to be under his grace.

February 28 Devotion

Do you experience anxiety? Do you know somebody who does? I think we all either experience it ourselves, or know somebody going through it. Being human, and being part of this world, means that we experience human emotions. That includes anxiety. It is very real. I did a little research and I found out some interesting statistics. An estimated 31.1% of U.S. adults experience an anxiety disorder at some time in their lives. Currently, 40 million adults in the U.S. (19.1%) have an anxiety disorder. In the United States, it is estimated that around 6.2% percent of the population suffers from an anxiety disorder. Wow! That is a lot of people.

Unfortunately, some people live with anxiety on a daily basis. They can’t outrun it. They can’t hide from it. There’s no safe place. Panic sets in. It can become hard to breathe. These can all lead to fear and self doubt. Other emotions can cause the same types of feelings. Depression is an example. Different types of phobias as well. The point that I am trying to make here is that living as humans means that we live with different emotions that are hard to deal with. In a conversation I was having with a veteran, we were talking about this topic. And he said it perfectly: “We don’t live in the Garden of Eden. We lost that.“ Oh how correct he is!

Now here is what is awesome. No matter what we live with. No matter what we go through. No matter what emotion, or emotions, we face. We all can experience God during these times. We can turn to him. We can run to him. We can fall into his arms. We can live “anxious for nothing” because of him. Getting through these emotional experiences isn’t based on anything that we can do. Isn’t based on anything that we can produce. Getting through these things is built on the presence of God. It is through his presence that we find peace. And I believe this final point. I believe that we can overcome anxiety, depression, fear, etc. I believe we can overcome them over time if we continually seek God‘s presence. They are not going to go away. I’m not sure we can cure them. But God can get us through them, and ultimately, over them! But we must seek him.

February 27 Devotion

If you have been keeping up with us through our devotions, you have heard us say several times that God gives us hope, love, and peace. And he does. There’s no doubt he does. He does so in ways that we cannot comprehend. There is no measure. But, I would like to add this to the list: The hope that he gives us, helps guard our hearts. The love that he gives us, helps guard our hearts. The peace that he gives us, helps guard our hearts. And once again, this is beyond anything that we can comprehend. Beyond our understanding. And that is amazing.

Recently, we completed our first 22 days of fasting and prayer. It was a time of growth. During the 22 days, several people reached out about going through dark times. Going through storms in their lives. That they are living day to day. Going through illness. Going through layoffs. Having a death in the family. Going through uncertain times. Whatever it is, they are going through moments in their lives that seem like they cannot get through. Going through moments where they are questioning “why” these are happening. Even wondering if they can survive. Wondering how they are going to survive. Now I know this might sound crazy to some. And I also know that it sounds impossible to some. But it’s during these times, I think that we should be thankful. Be thankful that God is building us through these storms. Be thankful that he’s guiding us. I always tell my children, when we go through moments like these, if we do it correctly, we will come out on the back end of them stronger than ever before. Our testimonies will be very powerful. And that is true. 100%.

This is what I mean by God will guard our hearts. In the Bible we read about Paul. God sent angels to Paul on the deck of a sinking ship. To give him peace. And this guards his heart. And helps him turn his eyes on the Lord. God will do the same for you. And the peace that you’re going to receive is going to be permanent. And just think about how that will guard your heart. He has a purpose for what you are going through. Don’t give up. Stay the course. He will use the storms to strengthen your faith. To show others who he is. Seek him and you will find him. Always trusting he is there. Pray to him your fears. Tell him your concerns. Tell him your weaknesses. Be honest. And be thankful in your prayers. Pray a prayer of expectation. Expecting him to respond. Pray for strength. For the guidance to get through. And don’t forget to always remember this, you are part of God‘s family. And he loves you. Always has. Always will.

February 26 Devotion

What is a disciple? What is it that makes us disciples of Christ? Do others see us as disciples of Christ? What does a disciple look like? What should one look like? These are great questions. I’m not sure there is one all encompassing answer. Let me stumble through what I think some of the answers are. I think a disciple of Christ is someone who trusts him with their life. A disciple is a follower of Jesus. A disciple of Christ studies what he teaches us. And I think a disciple of Christ tries to go out and teach others about Christ. Trying to do what Jesus is telling us to do with our lives. I may be wrong. But these are my thoughts.

I know that I am nowhere near where I need to be. But, I do try to strive daily on being more Christlike. And I fail miserably. I know that I will never be where I need to be. But that’s the motivation that pushes me each day. If there ever comes a point in my life that I think I have achieved being fully Christlike, then I really will need to review my beliefs. With Jesus as our teacher, we should try to act more like him each day. Each day we should be building, molding, our lives to be like him.

Something else about being a disciple that we should realize. We should want others to know more about Jesus. We should want others to learn what he’s teaching. As we grow in our faith, we should want others to grow in their faith as well. We should want those that don’t know him, to come to know him. We should want their lives to be transformed. So today, let’s strive to be better disciples. Let’s strive to show others how to be better disciples. Let’s be thankful for what God has given us already. And let’s be thankful for what he’s going to give us. Let’s ask God to bring people into our lives that need to know him. Let’s truly strive to be more like him. I know that life can sometimes make this difficult. But, I also know that it’s doable with Jesus in our lives.

February 25 Devotion

Have you ever had to sit back and watch the “ship sail away” leaving you behind? During that time, had to let others talk bad about you behind your back? Let the lies spread. All the while, you knew the truth. We’ve had that experience. Friends of ours have as well. It can feel like a very lonely time. A few years ago, Barbara and I had to step away from something that we loved dearly. God was telling us to move on. Things had changed. We were heartbroken at that moment. We had to pray for guidance like we never had before. We had to wait for him to answer. Kind of a funny point. Several of our friends reached out and told us they were praying for us. They thought that our marriage might be in trouble. Nothing could have been further from the truth. Reality was, we had to sit back and wait. It was during that moment God was silent. We didn’t know why. But a few months later his purpose was revealed. Oh my goodness, was it glorious!

When God seems silent, you are still called to go forward in faith. You are to continue to do the things that please God. Be ready for frustration. It’s going to come. But stay the course. It’s during the times of his silence that he’s building you. Preparing you. Getting you ready for something that’s coming. Be confident knowing that. Trust it. Know that he’s answering your prayers with his silence. And know that he will reveal it to you in his time. Not yours.

It’s also important to remember that sometimes the answer from God is NO. Sometimes he’s preparing you to not do something. To not be a part of something. He’s keeping you away from there because it’s for your own good. You may not like that. You may not agree. But in time you will see why. So maybe today is the day for you to be still. Maybe today is the day for you to search for God‘s answers. To see what he’s telling you. Or what he’s not telling you. And always remember, it’s for your own good. It’s for his glory. Not ours. His.

Prayer Warriors!

Prayer Warriors! Time to mount up. We have a couple of prayer requests for you. 

Hanson Fitch has won the race. Hanson was a volunteer and part of the Charlie 22 Outdoors family. He’s going to be missed until we see him again. Please lift his family up. 

Phillip Wright is a Veteran/Volunteer in the Charlie 22 Outdoors family. He is one of our Board Members. He’s asked for prayers for his family. Below is the message he sent us. Please lift them up during this difficult time. 

“Scott, unfortunately we had a loss in the family today. Below is from our son Ford whose wife Rae was pregnant with twin girls after experiencing a miscarriage the first time she was pregnant. Would you have the Charlie @@ family lift Ford, Rae and Baby A up in their prayers: Ford’s update to his siblings: Hey all, Rae and I won’t make it to the family gathering. We miss you all. 

We found out today that Baby B passed away from unknown causes.

Baby A is healthy (as far as can be determined) with a slight elevated heart beat. Her heartbeat is being monitored for at least 24hrs and getting some steroid injections to try to grow her lungs larger. 

Due to sharing a placenta there’s a 25% chance that Baby A could have suffered a stroke due to the shared blood vessel equilibrium being disrupted. There’s no way to tell and we won’t know about any neurological issues until after birth.

In the meantime, if Baby A’s heartbeat stays within acceptable bounds during the 24hr monitoring, it’s likely that Rae will get discharged and have 2-3 quicker heartbeat monitoring appointments a week till birth. All things staying the same right now, the overall pregnancy plan does not change currently.

Sorry that you have to find out in text, (I called mom) but have little in me at the moment to hold conversations. 

Obviously prayer for Baby A’s health and our mental wellness would be greatly appropriate.”

Please share with your contacts. 

We love you all and we thank you for your support.