January 31 Devotion

The past few years have presented some real hard times for Barbara and me. Hard times for our family. Barbara had surgery a couple times. The virus ravaged several relatives of ours. Our daughters, and daughter-in-law, each dealt with serious illnesses that could’ve ended up with terribly tragic results. In the matter of a few months in 2021, we lost my biological father, my father figure, and my stepfather who raised me. A few months later in 2022, my father-in-law passed away. All of these took place one after another. It seemed like we would get past one moment of stress only to step in to another. They kept coming. And during these times, we still had the day-to-day stressors going on. Through it all, we tried to keep our eyes on God. We knew he would see us through. And he did.

Tough times are going to come. Difficulties are going to present themselves. Times of stress are unavoidable. Even times when we find ourselves at the wrong place at the wrong time. Part of being human is going through moments like these. Some of us more often than others. It’s unfortunate that we have to go through these. But what is FORTUNATE is how we get to choose how we respond. As a matter of fact, how we react can actually help us avoid making the situation worse. And if we react appropriately, it can help those around us react appropriately as well.

In the Bible, Jesus promised us we will have trouble. Because we live in this world, trouble is going to come. No doubt about it. Jesus also promises that he will always be with us to the very end of age. No doubt about it. Examples include Abram, Hagar, Isaac, Joshua, David, and more. Just as he was with them through those difficult times, he will be with us. Nothing is too great for him. Marriage issues. Work issues. Health issues. Money issues. Nothing! Nothing is too great for our God. Knowing this, we should have the strength and confidence that we need to stay calm. And staying calm will help us see God in everything. Staying calm will help grow our faith. And here is what I think is even cooler. Staying calm will help others see God in everything as well. So remember this, God is always present. God will see us through. But it’s up to us to seek him. Seek him and he will be there. He will help you stay calm. Because he loves us. Always has. Always will.

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March 30 Devotion

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