February 25 Devotion

A few years ago, Barbara and I had to sit back and be still. We had to step away from something that we loved dearly. God was telling us to move on. Things had changed. We were heartbroken at that moment. We had to pray for guidance like we never had before. We had to wait for him to answer. Kind of a funny point. Several of our friends reached out and told us they were praying for us. They thought that our marriage might be in trouble. Nothing could have been farther from the truth. Reality is, we had to sit back and wait. It was during that moment God was silent. We didn’t know why. It was a few months later his purpose was revealed. Oh my goodness, was it glorious!

When God seems silent, you are still called to go forward in faith. You are to continue to do the things that please God. Be ready for frustration. It’s going to come. But stay the course. It’s during the times of his silence that he’s building you. Preparing you. Getting you ready for something that’s coming. Be confident knowing that. Trust it. Know that he’s answering your prayers with his silence. And know that he will reveal it to you in his time. Not yours.

It’s also important to remember that sometimes the answer from God is NO. Sometimes he’s preparing you to not do something. To not be a part of something. He’s keeping you away from there because it’s for your own good. You may not like that. You may not agree. But in time you will see why. So maybe today is the day for you to be still. Maybe today is the day for you to search for God‘s answers. To see what he’s telling you. Or what he’s not telling you. And always remember, it’s for your own good. It’s for his glory. Not ours. His.

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March 30 Devotion

March Madness is in full swing. I love this time of year. Several years ago my son played basketball for a program out of Kansas

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March 29 Devotion 

In 2023, Barbara took Anna and other women to Ashes to Beauty (Women’s Encounter). One thing I remember Barbara telling me about the weekend was

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March 28 Devotion

This is very unfortunate, but it’s very true. And I am sure that many of us have experienced this. I know that I have. I

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March 26 Devotion

This past weekend, I was able to attend The Sportsman Banquet held at the Neosho First Baptist Church. We had a booth there. Veterans were

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March 25 Devotion

Sometimes people question me why I like to hunt. They look at it like I am simply going out to kill an animal. It’s hard

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