June 25 Devotion

So, yesterday I was watching the Top Gun movies. I remember the first one coming out when I was a kid. After watching it, we were all going to be pilots. I don’t think any one of us went on to do that. At least I don’t know anyone who did. When Top Gun Maverick come out last year, we were thrilled to go watch it. And it did not disappoint. If you haven’t seen it, I recommend it. It was worth the wait. But I’m not writing about a movie today. There was a couple lines near the beginning that kind of hit home.

I don’t want to give away the story of the movie for those of you that haven’t seen it yet. So I’ll be short. Tom Cruise‘s character, Maverick, is getting ready to do a test run on a plane. One of the guys helping monitor this flight said to him, “Do you know what happens if you go through with this?“ Maverick’s response was, “I know what happens to everyone else if I don’t.” This may sound cheesy. But it was a powerful moment in the movie for me. And it made me think about something else.

Let’s go back 2,000 years in our minds. Let’s go back to the last night before Jesus was arrested. I’m wondering about the conversation that could’ve taken place. Might’ve taken place. I’m wondering if someone could’ve said to him the same thing: “Do you know what happens if you go through with this?” And I can imagine Jesus’s response being very similar. “I know what happens if I don’t.“ Jesus knew what was getting ready to take place. He knew why he was here. He knew tremendous pain was coming. Can you just imagine! He knew all these things, and he still took it upon himself. Because, he knew his purpose was to be sacrificed for us. He had to go through with it to pave the way for us. He had to go through it to show us what love looks like. Holy cow! Now…can you imagine what Life might look like today if He chose not to? No thanks. So today, let’s work on lifting others above ourselves. Let’s remember that many people don’t know Jesus. And remember what happens if they don’t come to know him.

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