July 19 Devotion

I’m not sure there’s a day that goes by that I don’t see a prayer request on Facebook. Sometimes they come out as an unspoken prayer request. Other times they are specific. Either way, I see them all the time. When I read a request, I think it’s a great opportunity for us to lift others up that we normally wouldn’t. Not because we don’t care about them. But because now we have a opportunity presented to us to pray over. I believe in the power of prayer. So does my family. The ministry does as well. Prayer is a very important part of our daily lives. And there are so many reasons for this.

First off, this is our way of reaching God. Our way of reaching out to him. It’s our way to talk to him. And there’s no bias. He doesn’t care about our race. He doesn’t care about our jobs. Where we live. Age. So much more. None of this matters in regards to being able to pray to our Lord and Savior. That door is open to us all. God wants to hear from us. And prayer is our way of doing so.

There are so many other reasons why prayer is so powerful. One reason is that there are things that we can learn from prayer. One important lesson is teaching us to listen for God to respond. To be attentive to him. Another lesson is teaching us to seek wisdom going through life. Teaching us how to face life. Prayer can also help us make better choices. To make choices that aren’t made on emotions. Prayer helps us think about our futures. Helps us think about our family’s futures. Although there are so many more reasons why we need to pray, there’s one more very important point about prayer that we need to make. This is one of our weapons against the devil. Satan can use our silence with our Lord and Savior against us. If we pray, it continually helps us in the battle against him. And he knows it. So today, let’s work on our prayer lives. Making it a priority each day. Do so, and watch how your relationship with God grows.

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March 26 Devotion

This past weekend, I was able to attend The Sportsman Banquet held at the Neosho First Baptist Church. We had a booth there. Veterans were

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March 25 Devotion

Sometimes people question me why I like to hunt. They look at it like I am simply going out to kill an animal. It’s hard

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March 24 Devotion

This morning we’re going to build on a writing from before. It’s very fitting for what we have been talking about lately. With the struggles

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March 22 Devotion

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