July 22 Devotion

Sometimes it seems like spring gets shorter and shorter every year. It’s like we go from a cold wintery weather, and have about two weeks of spring, and jump right into miserably hot summer. It’s during those steamy weeks that I look forward to the fall getting here. Fall is my favorite season. Football is starting. The World Series is during that time. Basketball is coming quickly. And of course…hunting begins. And just as there are these different seasons, we go through seasons in our lives. Jobs. Maybe different homes. Volunteering at different places. Seasons come and go. And that can actually include our walk with Christ. Let me try to explain.

Sometimes God‘s presence is very clear. During that season, it seems like wherever you turn you see God. Whenever you call out to him you hear his response. All you do is look on the horizon and you’ll see his miracle. That’s an amazing season to be in. You can feel the Holy Spirit all around you. Then there are times that you don’t see him at all. You begin to question where he is. Maybe even wonder if he has forsaken you for some reason. Especially in those moments where you’re dealing with a medical issue. So overwhelming that you reach out to God over, and over, and over. But you don’t seem to get the response you need. That’s a hard season to be in. But…it can also be an amazing season if we allow it to be.

When I have been in that type of season, I try to look at it like God is preparing my heart for something that’s coming. Probably even working on my heart for what’s happening at that moment. I’m aware it’s very difficult to look at things like this when times are tough. And it’s easy for us to even say things like, “God, do you even exist?“ That’s a very human thing for us to say. And that’s because Satan will creep in and make us begin to think that. Or try to. So today the challenge is for us to look at these seasons as opportunities to grow. And not as times that God has left us on our own. He will never do that. Let’s look at it like opportunities for us to gain wisdom and pray for discernment over the situation. If we do these things, our hearts will be prepared for what is happening now and for what is to come. Just think of the testimonies that we can then share. And that is very powerful.

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March 26 Devotion

This past weekend, I was able to attend The Sportsman Banquet held at the Neosho First Baptist Church. We had a booth there. Veterans were

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March 25 Devotion

Sometimes people question me why I like to hunt. They look at it like I am simply going out to kill an animal. It’s hard

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March 24 Devotion

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March 22 Devotion

Let’s start today off with an activity. A simple activity. Raise your hand this morning if you have never struggled with anything. Raise your hand

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