July 30 Devotion

We’ve talked recently a few times about different issues and problems that many of my friends have been going through lately. Difficulties that seem so hard to overcome. Some of these have been due to attacks from the outside. Some of them have been brought on by themselves. But they are definitely having some hard times. We can also look at what’s happening at the national level. And worldwide. So many things taking place. We can’t turn away from it. Because it’s always there. And I really believe that this is a spiritual war taking place. Many of us internally. And many of us externally. 

The human part of us wants to reason why it’s happening. Figure it out. Look for answers. I’m guilty of that. I would like to suggest this. Spiritual warfare is because of Satan attacking. If you have been reading these devotions for any length of time, certainly you have read one where we mention that he is very sneaky in how he attacks. That’s because he is a snake. He is a serpent. Hiding. Waiting for opportunities. His opportunities come in the forms of our friends, families, jobs, hobbies, etc. He uses any means that he can. And even with God on our side, we still try to make sense of it. As we said, that’s human. I promise you this, nothing will make sense. Unless we view it as spiritual warfare.

Now…we must focus on how to fight this type of battle. Here’s what I believe. You may disagree. But this is what I believe. We must pray. Pray for the Lord to intervene. Not just in the middle of the battle. But to intervene by going right to the hearts of everyone involved. Including us! This type of prayer is going to give us the peace that we need to internally overcome what we’re going through. It will also give us the wisdom and knowledge we need. Obviously, we can’t control the hearts of others. So we may not see their hearts change. But we still must pray. Because God can take over their hearts too. I’m not saying just sit back and watch things happen. I’m saying let’s God lead our actions. If we do this, then we will have the weapons necessary to expose the evil that Satan is orchestrating. Then that will help us defeat it.

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March 30 Devotion

March Madness is in full swing. I love this time of year. Several years ago my son played basketball for a program out of Kansas

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March 29 Devotion 

In 2023, Barbara took Anna and other women to Ashes to Beauty (Women’s Encounter). One thing I remember Barbara telling me about the weekend was

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March 28 Devotion

This is very unfortunate, but it’s very true. And I am sure that many of us have experienced this. I know that I have. I

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March 26 Devotion

This past weekend, I was able to attend The Sportsman Banquet held at the Neosho First Baptist Church. We had a booth there. Veterans were

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March 25 Devotion

Sometimes people question me why I like to hunt. They look at it like I am simply going out to kill an animal. It’s hard

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