July 31 Devotion

This past weekend, we watched a documentary on Netflix. I don’t want to give the name to you in case you want to watch it. After you read this, if you want to watch it let me know. I will give you the name. But the part of it that I wanna talk about today was a sacrifice that one of the people in the documentary made. He literally sacrificed himself to save another person. And there’s a very good chance that he did so knowing he was going to die. So his last action on earth was to save another person. That’s pretty amazing. Does that sound like any other sacrifice that we know of? 

Obviously, you probably realize I’m comparing this to the sacrifice that Jesus made. His last action on earth was to die for us all. That’s quite possibly the greatest action ever taken by a man. Ever! He went to the cross for us all. There is no doubt that’s pretty amazing. And what’s even more amazing, is the fact that he still had us on his mind as he died. Because he loved us. He loves us now. He’s going to always love us. As he was dying, he asked for God to forgive us. Could you do that?

I would like to think that I would lay my life down for my family. My wife. My kids. My grandkids. That I would be willing to take their place if it came to that. The Bible tells us that there is no greater love. So I would hope that I would be able to do so if ever I needed to. But would I really? What a tough question. And what a tough question it would be if one of them had betrayed me. Just as Jesus was betrayed. Would I still be willing to do so in that situation? Now, I’m not comparing the guy in the documentary to Jesus. I’m not comparing myself to Jesus. But, I am saying that we should all follow his example for us. Should we die for somebody else? That’s for you to decide. Should we love others like Jesus? The answer to that is always going to be most definitely YES. So today, let’s work on loving others like Jesus loves us. I know that may be hard. It’s hard for me. But we should be doing so. Let’s follow his example.

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