August 10 Devotion

Barbara will tell you that there are some movies that I like to watch whenever I see them pop up on TV. Even though I have seen them multiple times. Warrior is one of those. Last night it popped up and I watched it. This movie was released in 2011. The title alone should kind of tell you what it is about. Basically, it is a story of a broken family. Involving two brothers and a father who do not see eye-to-eye. The warrior part of it refers to the family being tied to mixed martial arts and wrestling. It really is one of my favorite movies. Not because of the fighting. But because of the life lessons that it presents. Just a family full of turmoil trying to find peace. Something that was very difficult for them to do. And it is culminating with the older brother telling the younger brother that he loves him. Which you can tell it is going to lead to a healing and peace in the family.

The common theme for several of the devotions recently has been on finding peace. That has not been intentional on my part. It has just been something that God has put on my heart. And I think it is important for me to listen to what he is telling me. I have said several times in order for us to have lasting peace, we must have God in our lives. We must have peace with him. If we do that, then we will find peace in our daily lives. Because having God in our lives helps us see things differently. Helps us find God in all that we do. Helps us find ways to love others that we could not love before. We could not love them sometimes because of their doing. And sometimes because of our doing. But with God, we can get past that.

In the movie, the characters did not want to work on their relationships. You could see it. They were fine with coexisting. That is no way for a relationship to work. We point a finger at the other person expecting them to make the first step. And even when they do so, sometimes we do not accept it. Our pride can get in the way of that. We can even find ourselves hoping that they suffer in some way. To the point that we might even celebrate when they do. We do not want to see them succeed. We even let pride get in the way of our relationship with Jesus. We think we do not need him. We could not be more wrong. And also, just as in the movie, all it takes is one step for peace to start to happen. The brother telling the younger sibling that he loved him changed everything. And that is the same way as a relationship with Christ works. We just need to take one step towards him. That is it. Accepting him changes everything. If you have not done so yet, make today the day you do. And if you have done so already, make today the day you continue building that relationship. Let us all make today the day that we strive for eternal peace. 

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March 30 Devotion

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