August 17 Devotion

So today I talked to a woman that recently moved back to Missouri. She actually lived in Carthage at one time. That was after I had gone through high school there. Anyways, as we were talking, I could tell she is really struggling with her situation. But she wouldn’t give me any details on what caused it. So I moved the conversation to Charlie 22 Outdoors. Doing so allowed us to start talking about God. I could feel that she needed to be witnessed too. As we began talking about faith, I could sense that she was relaxing. Which was awesome. 

I asked her if she is a believer. She said yes, and then began sharing some of her backstory with me. Talking about trying to rekindle a relationship with God. Trying to get past her mistakes. Her choices. She talked about not having any relationship with family in the area. And that was difficult for her. And I told her that we can learn from our mistakes. That God is always listening. And he gives us a chance to make choices. How often we go it alone and mess things up. She agreed with me on that. Something that stuck out to me was her saying that failing does not mean she’s a failure. That she has learned from her failures and try to build on those. I reassured her that she is 100% correct. We ended the conversation with me telling her I’m praying for her. And I asked her to pray for us.

Point is that we must always have our ears and our eyes open to what God is telling us. Where he’s pointing us. We never know who he’s going to put into our paths. People we know. People we know of. Strangers. We never know who he is sending our way. But we must be ready and willing to share with them. If we do so, the Holy Spirit is going to take hold and direct the conversation. God will bless the conversation. That’s exactly what happen today. I am a better person for listening to her. Letting her share with me. I’m not lifting myself up. I’m just saying that I left there better for being there. Because I got to hear from a woman who is really struggling. And trying to figure it out by letting God take control. Which is what we all should do. I often say we should turn all of our attention to God. And I’m saying it again. Today, tomorrow, every day…let’s work on always seeking God first. Even when it comes to a perfect stranger. 

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