August 24 Devotion

One of the most incredible things that God has done for us was to send his son to earth to be with us. When he did so, God became human. He took on complete human form. That meant that he was something “tangible” that people could see. People could touch him. Because he lived among other humans. Even though he was still fully, 100%…GOD. Now when he died and was resurrected, the only thing that changed was him being in human form. That’s it. He was then, and still is now, and will always be GOD. Even though we can’t see him physically now, we can still see his impact. We can see lives changed because of him. We can see the Holy Spirit moving in people because of him.

Missouri is known as The Show Me State. A lot of people I know use that as a joke about how they need to see it before they believe it happened. Actually, a lot of people I know say that quite often. For some reason, there’s a thought that if we don’t see it it didn’t happen. It’s all in fun. But there is some truth in it. There’s a reason why video footage is used to prove that something happened or did not happen. How often do you see someone grab their phone and video what is taking place? That’s because people want to see it. Point we’re making here is, it’s easier for us to believe something if we actually get to see it with our own eyes. Whether in person or on video.

There’s a lot to be said about how our faith is strengthened by what we see as well. It’s not difficult to look around and see evidence of God. He’s everywhere if we just luck. And if we don’t see him, it is because we are not looking. When you watch the sun rise and set. When a child is born. Each day we wake up. Those are all beautiful signs of God. But what about during difficult times? Where is he when we are struggling? Where is he when those that we love are struggling? Just as it is easy for us to see him when times are going well, it is easy for us to ask where God is during those moments that are not going so well. But I would like to suggest this: Maybe during those times, God is more present than we realize. He is there giving us the strength we need. He is there providing the love we need. Maybe we are so focused on what we are going through, we just don’t realize it. But he is there. Even through those times that don’t end well at all. Like the death of a loved one. But God’s presence is always evident, and we will feel it if we allow ourselves to do so.

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