September 16 Devotion

This morning, several of you probably saw the prayer request to go out. We told you that there was a very big possible opportunity for the ministry taking place at noon. We asked for you to pray that God‘s will be done. That way we don’t put on personal desires in front of what God has planned for us. Whether or not the opportunity would go our way or not, that was not first and foremost. God‘s will is always the primary focus. 

First, we want to say thank you for all of your prayers. It means a lot to us that you would take time out of your day to do so. Secondly, God’s will was for another opportunity to come our way. Not this one. Basically, 20 acres of land went up for auction today, straight north of the Hettinger Farmhouse, which is our homebase for local events. And it was appealing for Charlie 22 Outdoors to consider because of location. Another factor, is that it is primarily timber. A great place for us to build a larger facility for our needs. Because we are to the point now we need a facility where we can house everyone under the same roof. Currently, we are using travel trailers. And that is fine for what it serves. But we know we can serve our guests better with a larger building. We went in to the auction with a plan in place. We even had a considerable amount ready to be donated to purchase the property. With other contributions possibly coming as well. But it didn’t go our way. And that is fine. I told our president on the way there, I was at peace either way. And that’s because if God‘s Will was for us to have the property, we would have it. If God‘s will was for us to not have the property, we would not have it. Either way, it’s a win-win situation. In the end, it came down to another bidder and us. And he won out. No worries.

To say there wasn’t a minute of disappointment would be a lie. Because there was. That was the human part of me. The excitement of what was taking place ended with a let down. But that was short-lived. Because…I realized very quickly that God has other plans for us. We put the word out several months ago that we are looking for 5-20 acres for the ministry. We have grown to the point that we need that. We have no debt. We owe no property. And that is incredible. Because we are functioning as we are without either one of those. That’s how awesome our God is. He has provided everything that we have needed. And he will continue to. So we know that the right property is coming. This door closed, because something better is coming our way. And we fully believe that. So today, let’s remember this, God will do things for us in his own time. He will see things through for us if we put him first in what we are doing. And that’s exactly what happened today. So thank you again for praying. Praying for God’s will. And let’s remember that God’s will was for us to stop and take a minute. Because he’s preparing us for something different. And it will be glorious.

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September 2 Devotion

In this day and age where, whenever you turn on the news, it seems like we are just being force-fed negativity. We are being force-fed

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