September 22 Devotion

I just love it when what I have planned is “interrupted” by what God has planned. That’s what happened this morning. There was a topic on my mind to write this devotion on. And it completely changed when I opened up my email this morning and read something that a friend of mine sent me. That’s how God works. He gives you exactly what you need when you need it. And today is an example.

I know I talk a lot about Coach Armstrong. That’s because he was so important to me. To my family. There can be an amazing bond between a coach and player. That’s what we had. It wasn’t about three years of high school basketball. It was a lifetime relationship. The message my friend sent me today built on that. He used to coach girl’s softball. As young as 10 years old. And there’s a bond between one particular player and him that still exists today. Whenever she is around, she will contact him and his wife to get together. And that happened recently. The point he was making was that not only do coaches have impacts on a player’s life. Players can have impacts on a coach’s life. It’s a two-way street. And there is so much truth in that. I’ve always known it. But it didn’t really resonate with me until I read something that was written about it.

Now, please give me a minute to try to explain how I look at this being similar to our relationship with Jesus. I’m sure I’m going to stumble. But bear with me. We all know the impact that Jesus has on our lives. Or if we don’t, we should strive to know it. To learn it. To live it. But what about the other way around? How is it that we can have an impact on Jesus? Or can we? Let’s go back 2000 years. Humans crucified Jesus. Before they did that, they whipped him. They spit on him. They betrayed him. So I definitely believe these are examples of how humans had an impact on Jesus. But can we still today? I believe we can to an extent. Because I believe that we are the hands and feet of Jesus. And the more we serve him, the more people learn about him. And the more people learn about him, the more they can serve other people. It’s a domino effect. It goes, and goes, and goes. So today, let’s make an impact by teaching others about Jesus. And if you don’t know Jesus, let’s talk. He’s waiting to know you. Because he loves you. He always has. He always will.

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