This life is full of times where we catch ourselves waiting. Sometimes it’s at a stoplight. Sitting there waiting for it to turn green. Seems like that takes forever. It can be frustrating. Other times, it’s waiting for something glorious. Like the birth of a grandchild. Frustration is replaced with nervous anticipation. But it can also seem like it takes forever. Either way, we find ourselves waiting at different times of our daily lives.
When we find ourselves in moments where we are waiting, I suggest that we turn our thoughts towards God. And that means in both types of moments. Those that are frustrating. And those that are glorious. Maybe you already have. And you feel like you have been left to deal with the situation on your own. I know I have felt that before. I have been there just looking for a small sign that God is there. And it was hard to hold onto hope when I didn’t see him. Or I don’t see him now. But I know this too. When I don’t see God, is when I’m not focused on God. And that’s on me.
God is not absent unless we make him absent. God will not forget us. He is there for our frustrations. And he is there for times that are glorious. God cares so much that he wants us to turn all things over to him. That’s hard for us to do. I’m aware of that. But that’s what he wants. And that includes those times where we find ourselves waiting. Maybe even more so during those times. Because, it’s during those moments that we may have “more time” on our hands to focus on him. Finally, here is something else that I read about waiting. And it is spot on. “It is in the waiting that God will change you, but maybe not your situation immediately. In the waiting that your very heart will change from pleading to gratitude. From patience to grace. From failure to freedom.” Wow! How powerful.