November 14 Devotion

A dear friend of mine shared this with me. I find it very fitting since it is deer season. Even for those who are not deer hunters, this devotion should hit home. Because the blood of Jesus is for us all. The bloodtrail is awesome because at times it is the only thing that connect us to to the animal that gave his life for us.  If we lose the bloodtrail, we can lose the animal.  If you get off the bloodtrail, it can take you through briars and thickets that just waste time. At times it is hard to follow and requires work, other times it is easy to see. Sometimes the bloodtrail takes you right through the briars, but it still leads you to the prize.

In our faith, Jesus left a bloodtrail.  When we lose sight of it, we can get lost.  When we stay on the bloodtrail, even though the briars of life tear at us and tangle us up, we are making progress toward the prize.  The bloodtrail leads to the lamb that gave his life for us. This bloodtrail leads right to the foot of the cross.

Jesus has paved the way. He shed his blood for us. He gave his life for us. We will see him if we stay on the trail. He’s waiting. Maybe today is the day for you to get back on the trail. Maybe today is the day for you too step onto the trail for the first time. Or  maybe today is the day for you to accept Jesus into your heart and follow him. He’s waiting. He will always be there. His blood trail will never disappear. All you have to do is get on it and follow it.

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September 9 Devotion

Here are more questions for us to consider. For us to really think about. But this morning, I’m wondering where it is that we look

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