November 25 Devotion

Satan has several sneaky ways of trying to control our lives. One of his weapons is trying to control our thoughts. By making us think negatively about things inside us and around us. Making us believe lies such as I am helpless, I am worthless, I don’t matter. He does this because he knows how we think, shapes how we live.

If we allow him to control us in this manner, then we lose out on a strong relationship with our Lord and Savior. And we get trapped in the pain and agony of those thoughts. And being trapped can actually distract or distort how we view God. We can actually begin to believe that God does not love us. We begin to question, if God did love us, why would he allow such feelings and thoughts to be inside us? 

The Bible teaches us that God deeply loves us. God chooses us. That means all of us. And that includes you. Negative thoughts and views of ourselves can block us from believing these truths that we read. They can make us feel invisible. They can rob us of our joy and our peace. So today let’s throw off the dark cloud of negative thoughts that hovers over us. Let’s reset what’s in our minds. Let’s begin to believe and trust in the truths that are in the Bible. Let’s refocus our minds on God. Let him take control. Let’s let him battle back Satan, take control of our hearts, and lead us to victory. It has already been declared anyways. Because he loves us. Always has. Always will. 

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