November 28 Devotion

In the Bible, Paul tells us that we either set our minds on our flesh, or we set our minds on the Holy Spirit. And then we live our lives according to where we set our minds. The choice is clear. And it is our choice. We either live for ourselves or we live for God. I suggest, that we choose wisely.

Being human means we live in a world that has pain and suffering. There is no escaping that. But if we can fix our minds on Jesus, we will live a life of peace. We will strive to see God and be who he wants us to be. I am fully aware that our days are full of distractions to keep us from doing this. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t strive to keep our focus on him. To keep our minds on him.

As we go about our days, let’s strive to focus on Jesus. When the struggles come, and they are going to come, try to redirect your thoughts on Jesus. Let him guide you in your reactions. I know you have heard the saying, “What would Jesus do?” Let’s not just think of this passively. Let’s truly think about this. Let the peace and calm that he gives fill our hearts. At the same time, let’s let the joy and happiness fill our hearts during those times to celebrate. So let’s fix our minds on the spirit. Not on our flesh. Let’s pray to grow daily to be more like God. Allowing God to guide us. Because he loves us. Always has. Always will.

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July 26 Devotion

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