November 29 Devotion

We are in the middle of the season of being thankful and giving. Yesterday was Giving Tuesday. A day when people all across the country, if not the world, make financial donations to various charities. Charlie 22 Outdoors included. I read before, that in the United States, billions of dollars are donated every year. And that’s awesome. 

As I am writing this, a question comes to mind: What are you giving your hearts to? If you think about it, what you support, whether it’s financially, volunteering, praying for, etc., shows where your heart lies. So I ask again, what are you giving your hearts to? Ultimately, the answer should be Jesus. If we do that, then he will show us what we should give to. The Bible warns us to not give to others expecting to be recognized. We should be doing this just because we are called too. God will see what we are doing. He will know our hearts. He already does. 

The point of this devotion is not trying to encourage you or persuade you to make a financial contributions anywhere. I’m trying to encourage you to give your heart to Jesus. Give your whole heart to him. Then he will show you what to do. He will guide you. So maybe today is the day for you to make the decision to give your heart to him. To let him take hold. Remember, he loves us so much that he gave his life for us. The ultimate act of giving.

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September 9 Devotion

Here are more questions for us to consider. For us to really think about. But this morning, I’m wondering where it is that we look

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