December 1 Devotion

My accident was 33 years ago. November 28, 1990. I look back at the time of my life, and I remember how much I was living for myself. I was 19. Scholarship athlete. Had everything that a young man could want. Or thought he wanted. All the excesses that the world provides. Women, parties, popularity, etc. The things that I thought were important. The things that would ultimately lead to me being paralyzed.

Then I think about the first few days after my accident. Not sure whether I was going to live or not. Laying there while my neck swelled up. As it caused more paralysis. Then on the fourth day, my body stabilized to the point that they could perform surgery. Didn’t know it then, but God was stepping in. He knew my heart was turning towards him. He knew he could use me in my chair in ways he could never use me out of it. He showed me a grace that I never deserved. Never knew I wanted. Never knew I needed.

How fitting all this is today. Because the verse I read discusses this very thing. “All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is by his great mercy that we have been born again, because God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. Now we live with great expectation,” 1 Peter‬ ‭1‬:‭3‬. 32 years ago, God took a life altering accident, and he altered my life forever by showing me grace. He came into my life even though I was undeserving. It still took me a little while to realize it. Now I live day-to-day, fully expecting God to work in my life. And you can too. You can live born again. And living knowing he is in control. Because he loves you. He loves me. Always has. Always will.

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