December 30 Devotion

“The Chosen” is a series on Netflix. I’m not sure how accurate is. It may or may not be. But so far it’s interesting. There was a line in it that resonated with me. Mary Magdalene was talking to Nicodemus. He had noticed a change in her and commented. Her response was, “I was one way and now I am completely different. And the thing that happened in between was Him.”

The ”Him“ she was referring to was Jesus. And she is spot on. When we come to know Jesus, really know Jesus, we should be made new. Our lives should be changed. We should be one way before knowing him, and become completely different after coming to know him. And I would like to suggest that people should see this. They should see the change in us. They should question it. They should want to know more. The light should be so bright, that they should be unable to NOT see it.

I don’t know where you are in your walk with Christ. I don’t know if you are walking with Christ. But I do know this, come to know him and he will change you. Come to know him, and you should want to serve him. Come to know him, and you will feel a peace and hope that only comes from his love and grace. Come to know Jesus, and know that you have eternity waiting for you with him. How awesome is that! We are so undeserving. But he is still delivering. And he always will. So maybe today is the day for you to ask him into your heart. Maybe today is the day for you to allow him to change you. Maybe today is the day for you to begin serving him like never before. Maybe today is the day for you to be the light for others to see. And then watch their lives be changed by Jesus to. So incredible.

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March 30 Devotion

March Madness is in full swing. I love this time of year. Several years ago my son played basketball for a program out of Kansas

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March 29 Devotion 

In 2023, Barbara took Anna and other women to Ashes to Beauty (Women’s Encounter). One thing I remember Barbara telling me about the weekend was

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March 28 Devotion

This is very unfortunate, but it’s very true. And I am sure that many of us have experienced this. I know that I have. I

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March 26 Devotion

This past weekend, I was able to attend The Sportsman Banquet held at the Neosho First Baptist Church. We had a booth there. Veterans were

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March 25 Devotion

Sometimes people question me why I like to hunt. They look at it like I am simply going out to kill an animal. It’s hard

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