February 24 Devotion

What happens when you give your life to Jesus? What happens “after” you give your life to Jesus? Do you change? Do you feel a change? What really happens? These are great questions. I know I had them years ago when I accepted Jesus into my life. I didn’t know what to expect. I don’t think any of us do. So I tried to copy those that I thought were good Christians. I did what they did. Go to church. Pray. Read the Bible. Etc. Nothing wrong with those. Those are all big parts of being a believer. They help build our faith. But there’s so much more than that. What I did know then, and I know now, is that I am going to heaven. And I will be reunited with loved ones who have gone before. I will get to meet Jesus. That’s going to be incredible. Beyond my wildest imaginations. But let’s return to the questions. What happens?

I would like to suggest that the journey begins when we accept Jesus into our lives. The Bible gives us clear instructions. It tells us to give up doing what we want to do. And to start doing what we are called to do. To start following God’s directions. God‘s commands. And we must realize, what he wants us to do is the best for us. He has a great interest in our lives. If we follow his leader ship, we will experience what he has planned for us. That will bring us peace, joy, and a hope for our lives. Following him will give us a meaning. A true meaning. A meaning that “means” something. A true meaning that can help others as well.

God will use each of us in the capacity he chooses. And that will look different for each of us. He will use our talents and the gifts that he gives us to show others who he is. Even when it seems like there is no hope. Even when the end seems near. Even when the darkness comes and tries to attack. Even when we want to give up. God will use us. He will keep us going. He will give us the strength. He will show us the way. He will never give up. He will never stop loving us. He will never stop giving us the hope we need. So there’s the answer to the questions from earlier. I believe these are the answers to what happens when we accept Jesus. Pretty awesome huh!

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