March 29 Devotion

Good Friday. What a day. What an amazing day. Think about what happened 2000 years ago. Think about Jesus on the cross. Goodness gracious. Couldn’t imagine what that must’ve been like. The pain. The hurt. Coming out of the betrayal from those that he loved. Now, take a moment and think of a time that you were deeply hurt. A time when someone you knew, or didn’t know, caused you pain. Emotional pain. Spiritual pain. Possibly even physical pain. Maybe you were criticized unfairly. Maybe you were left out of something you wanted to be a part of. There are so many “maybes” that can answer the question. I know it can be hard to relive those. But take a moment and think of one. Or a couple.

When those times happened, did you come to a breaking point? Were you at an end? No matter what it was you went through, or maybe going through now, you can take this, and everything you face, to the Lord. You can take them to the Lord knowing he will provide you comfort. He will provide you peace. He will provide you an understanding. And all of these will be beyond anything you can imagine.

In the Bible, we read about God wanting to comfort us. Wanting to provide us peace. Wanting to provide us joy. He does these because he is our father. Just as a father here on earth wants to provide for his children. I know I do. For all three of my kids. And my grandkids. They face heartache, I want to take it away from them. I want to suffer for them. And that is exactly what God does. He provides comfort and peace while he heals your heart. He provides understanding and joy to help you move forward. And he will suffer for you. Think about Jesus. What he did on the cross for us was truly suffering for us. Suffering beyond anything we could ever comprehend. Because he loves us. He always has. He always will.

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July 26 Devotion

It has been 34 years since the last time I dunked a basketball. The last time I played a pick-up with some friends. The last

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July 25 Devotion

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