May 15 Devotion

Anna has finished her first full year in the Social Work program at Missouri Southern State University. This is such a blessing for her. She had been struggling trying to figure out which way she wanted to go. She was accepted into nursing school. But, she soon  realized that was not the path for her. After researching different options, she felt like God was telling her this is where she needs to be. So awesome. Part of the application process included writing an essay. And in that essay she needed to do discuss why it is she wants to be a Social Worker. 

She talked about being lost in her journey, trying to figure out her career path. I don’t blame her. When I was 19, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. Then she began talking about praying to God for wisdom. And how he started to show her different things to consider. And then he put it on her heart that Social Work was the way to go. With our family history of medical issues, hospital Social Workers have played an important role in our lives. Anna is going to be fantastic at that. Then she began to mention praying over, and even helping, others who have hurt her. People who have done her wrong. Wow! We can all learn from that. Talk about taking a heart that has been broken by those that you trust, and then turning around and helping them anyways. Amazing stuff. Very clearly…this demonstrates how our hearts should be focused on what God has for us.

There’s a lot of brokenness in this world today. A lot of hate. A lot of evil. Every time you turn around, you see someone harming somebody else. Or trying to. Just turn on the evening news at the national level and I bet several stories of the week will be discussing these very things. You see it at the national level of our politicians as well. There’s so many good people there. I like to think that they are doing their jobs the best they can. But, there are also so many people there just back biting each other. Just fighting back-and-forth to be fighting back-and-forth. Crazy stuff. I find it childish. And I am wondering how much the rest of the world laughs at us. If I let it, it could be disheartening. But I choose not to. The solution to all of these things that we are seeing is to break our hearts. And to let God take control. If we let God take over our lives, good things will happen. We let God take over our homes, good things will happen. We let God take over our nation, good things will happen. We let God take over our world, good things will happen. We won’t have to be reacting. We won’t have to change the channel because we can’t stand watching what we’re seeing on TV. We won’t have to do these things because, God will help us prevent all the ugliness before it takes place.

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March 28 Devotion

This is very unfortunate, but it’s very true. And I am sure that many of us have experienced this. I know that I have. I

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March 26 Devotion

This past weekend, I was able to attend The Sportsman Banquet held at the Neosho First Baptist Church. We had a booth there. Veterans were

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March 25 Devotion

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March 24 Devotion

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