June 4 Devotion 

Operation T’ing Off was this past weekend. There were around 100 guests/volunteers gathered at the Carthage Municipal Golf Course. There were dozens of veterans there. Ranging from the Korean War all the way through the war in Afghanistan and Iraq. So amazing. It was a morning of faith and fellowship. All the while chasing a little white ball around the course. It’s really an awesome combination for fulfilling our mission. One of our volunteers summed it up with this, “Sometimes it’s not about playing golf.” Oh how right he is. We will get back to that in a minute. But yesterday, Robin Sigars gave our message before presenting the awards. He talked about the hope that comes from Jesus. His message had a personal story in it. Talking about how he and his wife have faced cancer. And are getting ready to face it again. They are going to face it, knowing no matter what the outcome is, they have hope. And with that hope, they have a purpose. And it was spot on.

Last year, Robin‘s story was about greyhounds at a dog track. If any one of you have ever been to a dog race, you have seen this. Basically, there’s an electronic rabbit on a rail. It’s released from a starting box and the dogs pursue it. The chase is on. The rabbit goes all the way around the track with the dogs on its tail. Obviously, the first dog to cross the finish line wins. That is their purpose. To chase the rabbit. To win the race. At one particular race, the rabbit for some reason exploded. Parts of it went everywhere. None of the dogs were hurt, but they didn’t know what to do. some of them started playing with the parts. Others simply laid down. And still others just sat and barked at the crowd. They were confused. They didn’t know what to do, because their purpose was now gone. Ever feel that way? Ever feel like you don’t have a purpose? I’ve been there.

Charlie 22 Outdoors was founded seven years ago with this mission in mind: To show a hope, love, and a personal meaning that comes from God‘s grace. The latter part of our mission can be summed up with one word. Purpose. Having a personal meaning in God‘s grace…is having a purpose in God‘s grace. We believe that everyone needs a purpose. When we wake up each morning, we need a purpose. That helps us keep going. It gives us something to look forward to. And if we are pursuing the purpose that God has for us, then we are pleasing God. We are following his command for us. No matter how big or small it may seem, God‘s purpose for us is all part of his plan for us. And that is powerful. So today, let’s work on fulfilling our purpose for God. No matter how big or small we view it. If you don’t know what that is, make today the day you begin praying for guidance in that. He will show you. Let’s remember what we are called to do. Seek him. Love him. Follow him. If we do this, we will be serving him. And that is our purpose.

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