June 5 Devotion

This is such a unique time to be alive. It really is. There are so many good things to take in. But there are so many bad things as well. Evil and good have been battling for a while now. Lies are being spread all around the world. And what’s crazy is that people are believing the lies. Putting their faith into them. Trusting them. That’s because there’s so many powers to be that are pushing it down our throats. Just think about it. Need an example? We have young people that are identifying as animals. To the point that they are wearing tails. Identifying however they want to be identified. When did that happen? I couldn’t imagine being a parent of a young child during this time. Struggling in this information age where everything is simply in our hands and to be accessed with a push of a button. 

As much as I know that there are lies all around, I also know and fully believe that there is a truth that we can put our hope in. And I’m talking about a truth that is not spelled “TRUTH” as the world sees it. The truth that I am talking about is spelled BIBLE. The answer to every question is in this book. The counter for every lie is in this book. The Bible is our manuscript for our lives. And not just a manuscript, the Bible is our directions. Just as we read directions to assemble certain items, like a TV stand, The Bible has directions for us to assemble our lives around. We tell all of our guests this. We tell them that anything that they are questioning, we can find the solution in the Bible. We may not know where it is at, but we will find it. Or we will find somebody that knows where to find it. Plain and simple.

So if you are struggling with understanding what to believe and not believe, search for the answer in the Bible. And…I’m pretty sure it will tell us something about our identities being in God. So there’s no question. And…I’m pretty sure it will tell us about sins. Too many to list. But we can read about them and how to resist them in the Bible. And something else that’s even more incredible about this manuscript is that it has remained constant. For some 2000 years, it has remained constant. Yes I know there are different editions. And I am fully aware how it can be twisted and turned to fit our lifestyles. But that’s the human in us wanting it to be how we want it to be. That’s the human in us not wanting to hear the truth. Wanting to hear what we want to hear. But I will gladly take what I read in the Bible any day over what I see in the main stream or the social media outlets.

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