June 10 Devotion

The point of yesterday’s devotion was on doing good work. On how the Bible tells us that we combat evil by doing good work. I think God is trying to tell me something, because this morning I wake up and I read the verse Micah 6:8. It really emphasizes what we’re talking about. We are called to serve others. We are called to do good work. that’s how we combat evil. That’s how we beat Satan back. By doing good work. By following God, and learning from God, and serving others through God. 

Now, it’s easy to get caught up in doing “more” as we are trying to do good. But there’s a danger with this. The other day we talked about the danger. Doing more, does not mean we are getting more done. We can simply “just” be doing more and not realize it. We are only getting “more” done if we do not stay focused on God. No matter what we are doing. But if we stay focused on God, we can “only” do good work. 

So today I want to challenge you again, stay focused on God. Let God instruct you. Let God direct you. Let God correct you. Plain and simple, Let God. Do this, and I promise you, you will see fruits of your labor. God will bless your efforts. God will bless those that you serve. God will see to it that what you are doing is good. And we will defeat Satan. Actually, the victory has already been declared. So we’re not defeating Satan, we are holding him down. Pushing him back to where he belongs. Keeping him out of the picture. And that my friends…is glorious and good.

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July 26 Devotion

It has been 34 years since the last time I dunked a basketball. The last time I played a pick-up with some friends. The last

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July 25 Devotion

Yesterday we did a devotion that talked about the divide that we’re seeing in our country. How people go after each other on social media.

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July 24 Devotion

It’s election year. November is rapidly approaching. And just as we have seen in past years, there have been topics that have lit “fires” in

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July 23 Devotion

Raising children has to be one of the hardest jobs a person can have. It might be the hardest. Especially during the pre-teen and teenage

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July 22 Devotion

Although we had a pretty nice spring this year, sometimes it seems like spring gets shorter and shorter. It’s like we go from a cold

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July 21 Devotion

I’m curious this morning that if I asked you what it is that you love, what your answers might be. Obvious answers for those of

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