June 11 Devotion

Have you ever had a time when things didn’t go your way? For example, ever not get a job, or a promotion, that you thought you had coming your way? I’ve been there. Ever get a flat tire when traveling hours from home? I have. What about an appliance breaking that you were using? Our dishwasher did that one time in the middle of the wash cycle. Water flooded the kitchen. Then there are the much more serious things that can happen. Illnesses. Natural disasters. Death. The list of frustrations can be really long. None of us are immune to things happening that can disrupt what we are doing. And none of us are immune to discouragement. It’s easy for us to be discouraged. Especially when things don’t go our way. That’s part of being in this world. Facing things like this.

When we face times of despair and discouragement, it’s easy to wonder why. We begin questioning. Where is God? Is God watching? Does God see? Does God care? Will God act? Does God hear my prayers? Some of us may even question if God exists when moments like these come. Once again, I say it’s easy for us to wonder. After all, wouldn’t it be easier if life was easier. Wouldn’t be easier if God made sure times like these didn’t come. Wouldn’t it be! Well yes. Sure it would. But life doesn’t work like that. Life isn’t always fair. In fact, many of us might be constantly facing difficulties. Living a life that never seams easy. 

As much as I know that life is not always fair, I know even more that the answer to every life question can be found in the Bible. And I mean “every” question. There’s no question about it. And the questions I mentioned earlier are addressed in the Bible. We read that God does in fact hear our prayers. We read that God does in fact care. We read that God will act. And know this, these truths are not limited to those we find in the pages of the Good Book. They are for all of us. And that includes you. And that includes your family. Your friends. So today, no matter how bad today looks, or how bad life seems, know that God is at work. His plan is unfolding. No matter how painful. No matter how discouraging. No matter how difficult. His plan is unfolding. He will make it right. Maybe not in our time. Actually, most often it’s not in our time. His timing is perfect though. It’s beautiful and perfect. So hold fast. Stay the course. Keep praying. God has you. He always has. He always will.

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July 26 Devotion

It has been 34 years since the last time I dunked a basketball. The last time I played a pick-up with some friends. The last

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July 25 Devotion

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