June 13 Devotion

Today is going to step on toes. Mine included. But, we all need to hear this. So here we go. There are two teams that we can play on in life. There is God‘s team and Satan’s team. And they are at battle. A very real battle. It’s happening all around us, all the time. I don’t think people realize just exactly how much of a battle is taking place. It’s become normal just to watch things happen. It’s become normal to let things just slide. If they don’t affect us, we don’t pay particular attention to them. But the battle is real. And there are people that we know that are not going to heaven because of the way they choose to live in sin denying God exists. They choose the ways of this world. And that is so unfortunate. It’s an ugly truth. But it’s as real as the battle that’s taking place is real. I have said this before. And, I’ll say it again. And, I’m not proud to say this. But…I have played on both teams.

Being blinded by the devil happens. When we see things on the media that approve and say that sin is right, it’s easy to start to agree. And that’s because many believe that if they see it on tv, well then it must be right. And that’s a weapon that the devil uses. Normalizing sin on TV. Normalizing it through people that we trust and that we watch on TV. On Facebook. Or the radio. Or wherever. The devil is real. Very real. And he is very skilled at what he does. He divides us from God. One moment at a time. Maybe one day at a time. But most definitely, one sin at a time. And dividing us from God, can divide us from those that we love. Our wives or our husbands. Our children. Our grandkids. Friends. Whoever. Or whatever. Anything that is important to us, he will attack. In a very sneaky way.

So today remember this, we cannot win this battle on our own. We need God to lead us. Remember that the war has already been won. Victory has been declared. The crucifixion did that for us. The resurrection did that for us. Our faith in God helps us resist Satan. And he knows that. He will run if he sees us glorifying God. Let’s work to be under the grace of God. And not under the influence of Satan. Jesus will heal you. Jesus will provide you hope. Jesus will free you from sin. But you must let him in to do so. And he will do so because he loves us. He loves all of us. He always has. He always will.

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