June 15 Devotion

At our old farm house there was a hawk. We called her the resident hawk. We don’t know where her nest is. But, she definitely had taken up residency in the area. We’ve had the property now for 10 years. And she was out there for over half of that time. Unless I was seeing more than one bird and I didn’t realize it. Which is possible. Either way, there is a hawk out there. We even had a bald eagle that flew around. So majestic. You could very clearly see the white head and tail. I love seeing these kind of birds soaring in the sky. Every now and then I can hear the shriek that they make. And that catches my attention. So then I watch as they fly above. So completely free. Sometimes I wonder if they are just flying to be flying. I would if I could. What a feeling it would be like to be able to do so. So completely free. 

Also, near that property is a radio tower that stands several hundred feet in the air. And the hawk likes to land on it very near to the top of it. I’m guessing she’s doing so to take a look around. To see what she might be able to capture for her next meal. Or maybe she’s taking a break. I don’t know. All I know is that she is way up in the air sitting up there. Once again, so completely free. And once again, I would do so if I could. 

This freedom I’m talking about reminds me of us having the ability to be spiritually free. To be spiritually free in the hope that comes from Jesus. Which is so incredible. And it is something that all of us can experience. But requires action on our part. First, we must trust God. We must love God. We must let him have control. Second, we must talk to Our Lord and Savior. Praying to him. Asking him for guidance. I think we should pray daily. Finally, we must continually practice walking in faith. We must continually work on keeping our hearts pure. We must continually control our thoughts. Trying to keep our focus on God. If we do these things, God will bless us. I’m not saying God will make life easier. I’m not saying God will take all of our troubles away. Our difficulties. What I am saying is, God will see us through. And therein lies the blessing. Therein lies the freedom.

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