June 16 Devotion

Today is Father’s Day. The day that we honor the fathers in our families. So happy Father’s Day to all of you fathers that are reading this. I love being a father. I am blessed with three adult children. Watching them grow up to become the young adults they are has been amazing. It truly has been. 

It’s no secret that Barbara and I enjoy America’s Got Talent. We really do. We have watched every season. Last year country singer named Mitch Rossell performed. But what caught our attention wasn’t so much his singing, as much as it was his story. Basically, he lost his father and other members of his family in a horrific car accident when he was 10 years old. A drunk driver caused it. As he told his story, he talked about his father wanting him to learn how to play music. That they spent time together singing and listening to music. At a young age though, his interests were in sports. Didn’t really want to learn how to play music. Let alone play the guitar. As he grew, he wanted to continue a connection with his father. So he took up guitar lessons. And researching him a little more, we found out that he has written several songs for some major headliners. Garth Brooks being one. But never has really pursued his own singing career until recently. The song he sang was an original. Its title is: “Son”. I don’t want to give too much away. But the essence of the song was talking about losing his father. And then being a father of his own son. You can tell there was a genuine love between him and his father. Now a genuine love for his own son. You should Google it: Mitch Rossell America’s Got Talent. Have your Kleenex ready though. 

After watching it, it made me think about something very important. You see, we have a father. If father who calls us his children. He calls “all of us” his children. And he sent his son to be with us. He sent Jesus to be with us. He did so because he loves us. And His love for us will never end. So today, let’s make sure God knows that we love him. Let’s make sure he knows that he is in our hearts. That we are following him. And let’s understand, just as that fateful night years ago when Mitch lost his family, it can happen to us in an instance. Without warning. Without notice. It can happen in the blink of an eye. So let’s not be too late in seeking our Lord and Savior. Let’s not be too late letting him know that we love him. Let’s call him our Father. 

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