June 17 Devotion

Recently, we have talked a lot about distractions. Trying to avoid those and keeping our focus on Jesus. We have talked about how we are viewing sin as being ok. How things that are so completely wrong…have become so completely right in our eyes. Because, those that we trust say that they are right. We have talked about how easy it is to lose sight of what we are called to do, because we are constantly pursuing what we “think” we are called to do. These are all ways that our hearts can be clouded. These are all ways that we can fall away from God. Without even realizing it. 

In the Bible, Jesus warned us about this. The parable of the sower. This is the parable where some of the seeds that the farmer sowed end up among thorns. As the seeds grow, the thorns take hold. They can choke the seeds. They can choke out the fruitful growth. And that’s what happens when we get distracted. Our growth in God can be slowed down. Even stopped if not careful. And that is dangerous. Because, then we can begin to really slip into an area where we allow things to happen because they seem right. Where we believe that evil is good. And good is evil. Where we believe that wrong is right. And right is wrong. These thorns we are talking about can include anxiety. Personal desires. Worldly ideals. And so much more. Remember, God can keep us from sin, or sin can keep us from God.

But there is a remedy. There’s a way to avoid this. If we intentionally work on building a relationship with God, we can remove these thorns. When we allow God to control our hearts, we can thrive in his grace. We can stay connected to him. Our hearts will grow in him. How awesome is that! So today, try to place your focus on God. Really place your focus on God. Remove the distractions. Determine what the thorns are and remove them. Go to your knees and pray for guidance. Read the Bible. Do these things, and watch your life change. Watch your life change because God loves you.

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