June 19 Devotion

When my father was stationed at Fort Carson Colorado, we lived in Colorado Springs. I was in 6th grade. I went to Bricker Elementary School. We lived in a house that had split levels. It was four floors. But, they were staggered. It was pretty cool. Outside our window you could see Pikes Peak. I remember enjoying Colorado. All except for my job. Yes I had a job in the 6th grade. I had a paper route. An early morning paper route. Daily, I would wake up around 4:30 AM and go to the garage to roll papers that I then delivered. I would either walk around the neighborhood, or I’d ride my bike, and deliver those things. And I hated every bit of it. It was my first “real” job. And I hated it with a passion. I loved the money. But, I hated the job. I did it for a couple of months. There was one night that we were all watching TV and I fell asleep. I woke up at bedtime and proceeded to go to the garage to start the roll trash. The next day, my mother made me quit the job. Probably a smart decision.

Some of you might be able to relate to this. Not liking the job that you have. And that’s unfortunate. But, I want to talk about something here that I feel is important. If you recall, a few weeks ago I mentioned talking to a nurse about God having her right where she supposed to be. And the point of that conversation with her is that I don’t care where it is that you work, you can still serve God. There are ways in all jobs that we can still serve God. And even those of us that are not working anymore, there are ways that you can still serve God. We are called to serve him and all that we do. And if you think about it long enough, I’m sure you can find ways that you can show others who God is. Maybe it’s putting verses on your email signature. Maybe it’s simply hanging a cross on your wall. What would be even cooler is people simply seeing you and knowing that you are a believer. The way you hold yourself.

So today, pray over your efforts. Pray that God blesses what you are doing in order for others to see him. Pray that what you do is for him. And not for people. That may be hard to understand. But pray that you are working for God, and then that will lead to you serving others through God in all that you do. If you do this, and you do as God convicts you, your efforts will be successful. He will bless your efforts. Because that will bring him glory. And maybe, just maybe, for those of you that don’t like what you do, maybe you will begin loving what you do. Because…God will be in it. And that my friends is glorious no matter what it is that we do. How awesome is that!

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Sometimes the truth hurts. Have you ever heard that before? I know I have. And, sometimes the truth has hurt. For sure. Especially when it’s

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