June 21 Devotion

At many of our events, we try to give out Bibles to our guests. The ones that we give out are covered in brown vinyl. Look a lot like leather. And we engrave our logo on the front of them. They make for a very nice gift. Often times, we hear from guests that this is the first time someone has given them a Bible. And that’s humbling. But what’s important about what takes place during those moments is not the action of giving them a Bible. Yes that is important. But the point of that moment is this, we tell them that the answer to every question that they may ever have will be found in this book. And that is true.

Have you ever had a moment where you were confused about something and you opened up the Bible? You simply opened up the Bible and the verses that popped up on the page you open to were exactly what you needed to hear? Something is going on in your life that you needed encouragement. And there it was. Something is going on in your life that you needed guidance. And there it was. That’s awesome. I think that’s God’s way of saying to us: “Here I am.”

The Bible is full of stories. Full of history. Full of advice. When we read the Bible, we can find encouragement. We can find hope. We can find love. But I think we find those, if we are seeking God while we read. The Bible is our manuscript. It is our directions for our lives. It is our instruction manual. The Bible is full of wisdom. The Bible is all of these, because the Bible is a gift to us from God. We read about putting on the armor of God. To help protect us. A big part of us that needs protected is our minds. Because Satan is going to try to infiltrate us. Trying to get into our minds. If we turn to the Bible daily, we help protect our thoughts. And this protects our minds. So today, try to start making it a daily habit to read the Bible. BUT…be sure to seek God while you do so. If you’re not doing it already. And if you are doing it already, continue seeking wisdom from God. Seek his peace. Seek his hope. Seek his love. All of us need these. I know I do.

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September 2 Devotion

In this day and age where, whenever you turn on the news, it seems like we are just being force-fed negativity. We are being force-fed

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