June 24 Devotion

I grew up in a household with one TV. As a matter of fact, the first one I remember having was black and white. And whenever dad was home, we watched what he wanted to watch. Being a soldier, he liked war movies. He liked westerns too. But, he preferred war movies. I enjoy them myself. Especially World War II movies. Like the Big Red 1. And I believe it’s because of growing up in that household. When I was a teacher, I prefered teaching American history. Because, I got to teach on the wars that the American soldiers fought in. Don’t get me wrong. It’s not that I think war is good. I think that it’s an important part of our history. And we need to remember that. And we need to honor those that lost their lives. Actually, we need to honor all of our troops. 

In the Bible, there are stories about battles. Stories of war. But more importantly, the Bible has imagery. Imagery of war. Imagery of battles. And from times thousands of years ago all the way through now, there’s a battle taking place. It is spiritual warfare. It’s a war against the demons of hell. And it’s ugly. But what’s awesome about our God is that he gives us everything we need to face this battle. And sometimes it’s personal. It’s personal because we fight our past. Maybe even our present. But most definitely, we fight for our future. We don’t have to let our past define us. We can learn from our past. Especially from our mistakes. We can learn from our choices that were destructive. That’s part of the blessing from God.

Fighting this battle, it’s up to us to stay in contact with God. Especially, during times of struggles. We need to remember he gives us everything we need. We also need to remember that the victory has already been declared. Jesus did that for us on the cross. And just as we must honor all of our troops, we must honor Jesus and what he did for us. Even more so. Stay in contact with your Lord and Savior by praying. Talk to him. He wants to hear from you. Staying close to him will keep giving you the weapons that you need in this battle. Staying close to him will help you heal from your past. It will help you solidify your present and your future. And the greatest victory is this: We can have eternal salvation with our Lord and Savior in heaven.

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June 28 Devotion

This morning I woke up to several text messages. Some were sent last night after I was in bed. Others came early this morning. Some

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June 27 Devotion

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June 26 Devotion

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June 23 Devotion

Thursday was our Monthly Men’s Bible Study. If you haven’t been able to join us yet, you should. If you’re not local, you can do

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