June 26 Devotion

Sometimes when I wake up, I have a hard time, deciding what to write about. Sometimes it’s a struggle to come up with a topic. Nothing seems to come to mind easily. Nothing seems to inspire me. I look to God to show me what to read and to write on. But I find myself stuck. But if I really think about it, there is the topic. Struggling is the topic.

We all go through times where we seem to struggle and nothing we do can fix it. Nothing that we can do seems to solve the issue. The struggle seems to linger on, and on, and on. Sometimes by our doings. Sometimes by the doings of others. I think it’s during those times that God is building us for what is to come. I think it’s during those times that God is using what we are facing to teach us something. But I also believe that we must view it this way…in order for us to learn what God is trying to teach us. I’ve said many times that one of the greatest gifts that God has given us is ability to choose. And that includes the ability to choose how we view things. We can choose to be a bitter at what has happened. We can choose to be bitter about what is happening right now. But, being bitter about something only results in us being bitter about something. That’s not good.

Now, I am not saying that we shouldn’t feel pain or be upset about something. That’s part of being human. That comes from being part of this earth. It’s going to happen. It’s unfortunate. But it is going to happen. What I am saying is that we can choose to use tough moments as building blocks to grow closer to our Lord and Savior. One of the ways I think we can do that is by praying. Maybe we know the solution and we need to pray for strength to put it into action. Maybe we know the source of the struggles and we should pray to know the way to make those sources go away. Or maybe we just need to sit and pray for wisdom. To be still for a moment. And to let God work on our hearts and our minds. I don’t know your situation or your struggles. But I know God has the answers. You can choose to face them on your own. And you might possibly solve them. But you might not. Or we can choose to let God guide us and no matter what we face, the end will be glorious, and God‘s grace will be revealed.

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June 26 Devotion

Sometimes when I wake up, I have a hard time, deciding what to write about. Sometimes it’s a struggle to come up with a topic.

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