June 28 Devotion

This morning I woke up to several text messages. Some were sent last night after I was in bed. Others came early this morning. Some of them came from family. Some of them were from veterans that I have been blessed to work with the last few years. I’m always humbled by what they send me. Some of the ones that I received ones have varied from thanking us for supporting them, to showing me photos of items for the banquet, and to a link of a video about a former Navy SEAL finding faith. Pretty awesome stuff. I’m so thankful that they feel close enough to me to share these with me.

In the video of the Navy SEAL, he talks about searching for answers to his questions in various places. Astrology. History of the world. Science. And more. He was in a bad place trying to figure out how to best handle his thoughts. Let’s just say, he wasn’t finding what he was looking for. Does this sound familiar to anyone? I’m sure it does. I can relate to this. The good news is that he kept looking. And ultimately he found Jesus. And with Jesus, he found the answer to every question that he has ever had. And I say that he has found the answer to every question that he is ever going to have as well. That’s pretty powerful. Especially in the world we live in today. The mess that we live in. Does anything make any sense anymore? Sometimes it’s hard to say yes to that question.

The Bible tells us how to handle what it is we’re facing. It tells us how to handle the mess that we are in. It tells us to trust the Lord with all of our heart. And that might be the best advice we would ever get. Because it’s hard to know who to trust now. Different media stations offering different opinions. Different politicians offering different solutions. Different this. Different that. Who’s right? Who’s wrong? That is so hard to determine. Today let’s cry to God for wisdom. Let’s cry to God for strength. Let’s cry to God for the Holy Spirit to move in us. We may not be able to change the climate of the world. But we can change the climate around us if we do this. Let’s lean on God. Let him take control of our hearts. Just as the Navy SEAL did. And let’s watch the peace and the hope that we receive change our lives. Because Jesus is the answer.

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June 28 Devotion

This morning I woke up to several text messages. Some were sent last night after I was in bed. Others came early this morning. Some

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