June 29 Devotion

If you have ever received some not so great news, raise your hand. If I were to take inventory at this point with all of you reading this, I would expect to see every one of you with your hand up. I can’t imagine going through this life and not ever hearing something that wasn’t necessarily good. I guess there’s a slim chance someone out there has always received good news. And if there is, I’m happy for you. But chances are, at some point or another in our life time, we are going to receive news that really isn’t what we want to hear at all. And sometimes it comes at the most inopportune time.

Some of us find out about illnesses that are not curable. Some of us find out about accidents that are horrific. Some of us may be called into the office to find out that we have been let go from our jobs. Some of us may learn about the death of a loved one. I think you get my point. Not so good news can sometimes become a regular occurrence. I know our family has had our share of it. And I also know this about our family, through it all we have been able to get through it because of the grace of God. God has provided us hope and comfort through difficult times. God has provided us peace. He has even provided us wisdom on how to get through tough times. And I’m certain that he will continue to do so.

Jesus came to earth and died on the cross for us all. He did so because his love for us is that deep. He has paved the path for us to join him. And that is what gets us through the difficulties that we’re going to face. Knowing that he is there for us. He is waiting for us. When I say us, I’m talking about you as well. I’m talking about everyone. Unfortunately, some of us are going to give it a shot on our own. We’re going to go through this lifetime trying to figure it all out without God in our lives. I couldn’t imagine trying that. Knowing where that takes us in the end. I couldn’t imagine it. But some of us do. So today, if you don’t know Jesus, make today the day that you come to know him. Make today the day that you welcome Him into your heart. Receive the peace and hope that ONLY comes from him. And if you know Jesus, maybe today is the day that you reignite your fire to serve him. Either way, if we have Jesus in our lives, he will get us through those times that are not so good. Know that. Believe that. Trust that. Because it’s true.

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July 2 Devotion

If any of you follow me on social media, you see that I make regular jokes about my bride and myself. It’s all in fun.

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July 1 Devotion

Barbara and I have five grandchildren. Such joy having them. Our youngest granddaughter just turned six years old on Saturday. How did that happen? Where

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June 30 Devotion

Today is the last day of the sixth month of the year. Basically, we are halfway through the year. How did that happen? We’ve all

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June 29 Devotion

If you have ever received some not so great news, raise your hand. If I were to take inventory at this point with all of

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June 28 Devotion

This morning I woke up to several text messages. Some were sent last night after I was in bed. Others came early this morning. Some

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June 27 Devotion

Tomorrow night, Barbara and I get to go see Coach Armstrong’s daughters. They are in town for the fundraiser dinner for his foundation. They are

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