June 30 Devotion

Today is the last day of the sixth month of the year. Basically, we are halfway through the year. How did that happen? We’ve all heard how time flies as you get older. Hard to argue with that. Every year seems to come quicker and go by faster. One day or youngest child is just an infant. The next, you look around and she’s turning 20. And then she’s getting married next week. We’ve also heard how time flies when you’re having fun. I think that partially means that the things that we enjoy doing never seem to last long enough. I could be wrong. But that’s how I view it.

Looking back at where the last six months have taken us, we’ve talked about several things. Dealing with obstacles. Overcoming challenges. Celebrating victories. Enjoying successes. And more. But the reoccurring theme that always pops up with what we’re reading and writing about is God‘s grace. How God‘s grace is involved in everything. Because it’s through his grace that we are able to rejoice no matter what it is that we’re facing. Because it’s through his grace that we have the strength to overcome whatever comes our way. And also, because it’s through his grace that we feel the love and hope the only comes from Jesus. When we look at our lives like this, it’s easy to see that his grace is truly involved in everything. And everything means quite literally everything.

How do we know this? We know this because we read this. It’s in God‘s word. The Bible tells us that God‘s grace is sufficient. And I know sometimes it’s very hard to believe this. Especially, whenever things seem insurmountable. But even in times like that, times that seem insurmountable, we still turn towards God for his grace. I believe that is because often we do not know what else to do. Where else to turn. Sometimes even those that do not believe will ask for prayer. Seeking God‘s grace. That’s how powerful it is. I often pray for God to put a hedge of protection around my family. To cover us with his cloak. That’s my way of asking for his grace. Have you ever asked for his protection? Maybe today would be a great day to ask for God to cover you. To ask him into all aspects of your life. Let his grace go to work on you. And then others will see his hope and his love through you. Just think about where that could go. So glorious.

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July 2 Devotion

If any of you follow me on social media, you see that I make regular jokes about my bride and myself. It’s all in fun.

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June 30 Devotion

Today is the last day of the sixth month of the year. Basically, we are halfway through the year. How did that happen? We’ve all

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June 29 Devotion

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June 27 Devotion

Tomorrow night, Barbara and I get to go see Coach Armstrong’s daughters. They are in town for the fundraiser dinner for his foundation. They are

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