July 1 Devotion

Barbara and I have five grandchildren. Such joy having them. Our youngest granddaughter just turned six years old on Saturday. How did that happen? Where did time go? Next week, our youngest daughter is getting married. What? Once again, how did that happen? Where did time go? You blink, and your children are adults. Hard to comprehend. What I know is this…Seems like time is going faster, faster, and faster. As we get older, time goes by faster. I wish I could slow it down. Do you feel that way?

This time last year, we were talking about our daughter-in-law taking a new position as an instructor for one of the local nursing schools. We mentioned how our son’s family took a new job, bought a new house, and enrolled the kids in new schools. How that was a lot to take on in a short time. This year, our oldest daughter’s family is getting ready to move back from Mississippi. Hopefully that takes place within the next month or so. So we will have our three children, and our five grandchildren, all within a short drive of us. Talk about a blessing.

As I mentioned earlier, I wish there was a way to slow time down. To bring back the time when our kids were just young children. Bring back a time when their biggest concern was choosing between cereal or cinnamon rolls for breakfast. Those days are gone. And time continues moving forward. And as time moves forward, we know this truth: God’s timing is always perfect. Sometimes you don’t know why things happen, until they happen. And even then, sometimes we don’t know why. Even though we may not know why, we must trust that God‘s plan is perfect. It might be a moment where we should be still and listen for God. Let him work on our hearts. Let him give us wisdom. Let him give us a discernment. Let him build humility in us. All part of his plan for us if we let him take hold. So today, let’s work on listening to God. Let’s work on focusing attention on him. What he wants for us may not be obvious at times. But his plan will be revealed at one point. And oh boy, it will be glorious and good.

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July 4 Devotion

July 4. Independence Day. Such a blessing living in a country that celebrates because of what our forefathers did for us over 200 years ago.

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July 3 Devotion

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July 2 Devotion

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July 1 Devotion

Barbara and I have five grandchildren. Such joy having them. Our youngest granddaughter just turned six years old on Saturday. How did that happen? Where

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June 30 Devotion

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June 29 Devotion

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