July 3 Devotion

Here’s a question for you to think about. I hope it challenges you to really analyze your heart. I know it challenges me. So here’s the question: “Do you really trust God?” I mean “really” trust God. There are so many ways to look at this. And it’s hard for us to fully put our trust in something that is unseen. But that’s where our faith comes into play. Think about it for a moment. We are called to fully trust God. 100%. And that means we need to relinquish some control over what we are doing. When we are doing things. And why we are doing things. I know it’s hard. But that’s where the trust comes into play.

Let’s go to the Bible for a moment here. Let’s recall Noah. I know you know the story. God told Noah that it was going to rain and cover the earth with water. And he told Noah to be prepared. Noah trusted God. He fully believed that God was going to do what he said he was going to do. Noah expected it to happen. And that is because of his faith. He knew that God was going to keep his promise about what was to come. Wow! Let that sink in. He fully expected it to rain and for the earth to be covered. Would you have?

When we have faith in our Lord and Savior, we expect God to act. It may not be the way we want to it be, but we expect him to act. Now for the fun part. If we are expecting God to act, we must prepare for it. We must prepare for the promise to take place. So today, look at yourself and your expectations of God. Actually, let’s all do that. Let’s expect our Lord and Savior to do what he says he’s going to do. But we better be ready. We better be prepared. Let’s trust him like no other. Let’s be prepared to receive the word and to know that the promise is going to happen.

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July 7 Devotion

There’s an intersection not too far from where we live that is ran by stoplights. Those of you who live in Webb City know which

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July 4 Devotion

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July 3 Devotion

Here’s a question for you to think about. I hope it challenges you to really analyze your heart. I know it challenges me. So here’s

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July 2 Devotion

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